Chapter 13: Stuck

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"Don't touch me!" I yelled.

He smirked, "Jenny. If you keep on yelling, I'll have to take you somewhere else~"


I try to pull against the handcuffs. But being me, I can't do anything. But that doesn't mean I wont just give up here and now.

I growled as he came closer. "What do you want?"

He didn't reply, which annoyed me. I looked around for any escape routes but even if there was any, I wouldn't be able to run for it because I'm in handcuffs.

"You know what hurts?" He suddenly asked.

I glared, "What?"

"Getting the shit beat out of you. You're lucky I'm the way I am, cuz Jeff could've killed me if I were human." He lights his weed and inhales deeply.

He notices me starring and offers it to me. I glare at him, "Could you at least let go of one of my hands so I can smoke?"

This could be my one and only chance of getting the hell out of here. He hesitated before letting my left hand go and handed the joint to me. I'm not going to turn down this offer. Before I could fight that thought, I took a nice long drag.

"Where do you even get this stuff?" I asked, feeling the high overcome me.

"I usually just kill a dealer. Take what I'm interested in." He smirked, "It's a easy task, even you can do it."

Well, I wouldn't. I'm not going to kill some guy for his drugs.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders, "We got off at a rough start. What do you say about starting over?"

"I think you shouldn't tie me up-"

"Technically I didn't tie you up. I just handcuffed you to my bed."

"My bad. Maybe you shouldn't handcuff me to your bed. And maybe we should talk something out, instead of me listening to you blabber about retarded shit." He huffed.

Jeff, Jane, anyone? I could use alot of help right now.

"-if I let you go, you would've tried to run. I'm not stupid Jenny."

"I don't care." I mumbled. Honestly, does he have to explain everything? It was bad enough when mom had to-

My head dipped down. I shouldn't be thinking about her. Never. And I wont.

I can't.

"Are you even listening to me? Or are you just dazing into your own world?" Ben waved his hand in my face.

"I'm not listening. You wanna know why the hell I'm not? Oh, I don't know, maybe because you're a fucking sicko that kidnaps girls and kills people? Not to mention you tried to fucking rape me? If it wasn't for Jeff, I wouldn't have my virginity, would I? You're a disgusting piece of garbage. That's all you'll ever be. So give it up. I'm not going to fucking like you ever again, I promise you on that one. So if you excuse me, I'll be on my way o-"

Pain shot through my face like lightning. His eyes glared down at me. There was no escaping this one. No matter how much I wished for it.

"Bitch." He muttered.

My eyes watered up from the stinging sensation in my face.

He walked out of the room and into his gaming room. I closed my eyes shut, and focused on my breathing. It was only a few seconds before I felt my body shift to another position. Refusing to open my eyes, I let him move me. So now I'm lying on my stomach, and my hands and feet are handcuffed to his bed.

He laughed darkly, making me flicker my eyes open. He was standing there.

With a blazing hot rod.

My eyes widened as I tried to break free.

He laughed again, "It's no use to keep you alive anymore if you aren't going to obey. Any last words?"

Stop. Stop. The rod came closer and closer.

My eyes became wider and wider by every second.

I felt the heat getting closer.

I felt my sweat dripping down my face.

I felt my anger pulsating through me.

Then came the overwhelming pain.

I screamed until my throat was burning. I struggled against the handcuffs. He touched the hot rod to my bare lower back. I felt my skin burn against it, and I felt my heart race to an unbelievably fast rate.

He didn't even bother stopping my screams. He enjoyed hearing them. I know it.

"STOP!" I shrieked in pain.

I heard thundering footsteps coming closer to Ben's door.

The rod was lifted from my back. And I heard the voice that I was hoping to hear.

"BASTARD!" Jeff's voice echoed.

My heart fluttered in happiness. I couldn't move. But I could feel that the rod was off of my skin. Now I'm just groaning in pain.

I heard loud cracking, and Ben screaming. I wanted to look to see what the fuck was going on, until I heard Jeff gently whisper in my ear, "Keep your eyes closed and count to twenty."

I did what he said.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I counted slowly. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....

There was loud squishing noises, and yelling and screaming bouncing off the walls. It made my head spin with concern.

What really got me concerned was the fact that I was worrying about Jeff's safety.

"You can open your eyes now." He whispered. I opened my eyes to meet with his dark gaze. His eyes twinkled with anger and concern.

.....And guilt.

"Are you okay?" He asks, breaking the handcuffs off my arms and legs.

"I don't know." My voice was scratchy. Like I haven't spoken in years or something.

"Let me see your wound." I lift up shirt to show my back, an he traces it with his fingers.

I wince at his touch. He yanks his hand away. He's being gentle... That's not a bs thing, it's just.... I'm enjoying him being like this towards me.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

Well that took me by surprise.

I laughed at him halfheartedly, "For what? Saving my life?"

He shifts his gaze to the floor. And places his hands on his head, slightly yanking his charcoal black hair.

"I was too occupied with Clockwork to even notice that you were in fucking trouble. You could've been safe if I hadn't fucking screwed shit up. It's always my fuckin' fault-"

I cut him off.

I grabbed his face and smashed my lips onto his. His lips were soft and warm. Almost made me feel like I was at home.

I could feel his surprised reaction. But the thing is, he kissed me back.

Holy fuckin cheese nugget....

I'm kissing Jeff The Fuckin Killer.

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