Chapter 8: What Ever Happened To Relaxing?

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"Wait, what?" The sudden question nocked the air out of my lungs.

He sighed in frustration, "Do I need to repeat myself?"

I shook my head. What the fuck did he just say? When did I die? I never died. Duhh! Like, anyone could see that. Literally..

"I have no clue what you mean. I'm still here, aren't I?" I told him in a matter-of-factly tone.

"I have no intentions of getting into a deeper conversation about this. But, we will need to clear things up about this entire situation." He grabbed my arm with his large, skinny hands.

What ever I was going to say, completely left my mind as we teleported into a different room. My mind was blown out of my head.

What the hell just happened?

"What is your full name, Jennifer?" Slender asked out of nowhere.

"Jennifer Lynn Jovice." I answered hesitantly.

He hummed in response. Probably taking a mental note.

I took a quick glance around the room. It was, very, very, nice. It was a tidy office with alot of book shelves that were filled with different varieties of books. His desk was ginormous. It fits his length though.

He motioned me to sit down in the red seat that Sat in front of the big desk. I sat down and watched him take a seat behind his desk and look at me with an endless stare.

"When did you die, Jennifer?" He asked like it was a normal thing to say.

"I don't think I've ever died, to be honest. Plus, why does it matter so damn much?"

"Child, you have to understand this quickly. I have business to attend to, and your not making it go by any faster," He rubbed his temples, "There is a border that protects this mansion from human beings. And if there was a possible way for a human to get through the border, it would give me a notification immediately."

"And it didn't when I passed through?" I asked, catching up to what he was saying.

"Exactly. So, this proves that you have either died, or, your not human."

I mouthed 'oh' and nodded. So what he's saying here, is that.... I died? I don't remember dying. Hell, the only person that knocked me out before was Jeff. And I put up a hella good fight before he got annoyed and practically broke my freaking ribs.

"I don't recall dying or anything serious like that, but I am 100% sure that I am human. Is there any other way that I could have passed through?" I'm actually really curious.

But then again, curiosity killed the cat.

"There is one way...." He trailed off before talking again, "But that's almost an impossible possibility. There is no way that you could be one of us and be a human at the same time." I laughed half-heartedly.

"But could it still be a possibility, right?" Why do I sound so confident? I'm actually about to fucking shit my pants right now.

Before he could reply, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Slender, we have the things you requested." A male voice called from the other side of the large doubled doors.

"Oh yes, come in." Slender said in a stressed tone.

"Sir, we got the-" he stopped when his gaze met mine.

"Who is this?" The man resembled Jack in a way.

He had a white mask though. Black holes for eyes, black lips.... And black eyebrows were painted on.

Slender sighed, rubbing his temple, "This is Jennifer. She is not to be harmed in any way."

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