Chapter 30: Buttface

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Slender straightened the papers he had recently been writing in before leaning back in his massive chair. "When do you attend to leave, Jennifer?"

I sit down in the red couch that faces him, "Tonight, if I may?" It came out more as a question than an answer.

He hums to himself in deep thought. The feeling of his mind ripping at the choices that were left sent chills down my spine. I couldn't tell if I should be frightened or worried. He finally set his papers down and looked at me with that scary white face.

"What do you need then?" He cocks his head to the side. "You have a weapon. You have abilities that most human's have." He intertwines his fingers and lets his chin rest on his hands. "You don't need anything. So what's holding you back from leaving?"

I flinch at his words, "I was wanting your permission."

"You already have it." I look up at him with confusion. "What do you mean?"

He shakes his head, "You are capable of lot's of things. That is why I had chosen you to Master the Multipod. That is why I have complete trust in you to not tell the human race about our existence." His words were sharp.

They cut me deep too.

I laughed nervously, "Why would I want you to hack off my head? You-"

"If you leave, just know you're not just hurting yourself, but your hurting the others also." He finished before Teleporting me out of his Studies. I groaned in defeat.

Okay. Well then... Guess I better get going?


The moon shines through my window, lighting the view of my bag that is stuffed with cash and valuables for when I leave. E.J. had just left in anger. He said I was 'being ridiculous,' and 'acting unconsciously.'

He had also told me that Jeff is looking for me.

I sit down on my cold mattress and look at the picture on my nightstand of me, Mom, my little brother, and my little sister. For some reason, I felt hate and anger when I look at it. Not because my mother was in it. But because when I look at them smiling next to me, I know that I'll never, ever, see that again.

I sigh and look away, my heart feeling heavy, "I am such an idiot, huh, Sister Mei." I hear the floor boards creak in reply. My flag goes up. Is it Jeff?

"Jenny?" I hear Bens' voice whisper from the other side of my door. For a minute, I debate in my head whether to let him in or not. But judging from his recent behavior, I don't think he'll try anything. He's only tried to apologize a few dozen times.

I make a sound, to give him the hint that I don't want to be heard. He begins to walk in, but hesitates for a split second. "Hey." He says gently.

Everyone in the mansion has heard that Jeff had attempted... rape? with me. And for that reason, Ben's been caring and has looked after me.

He comes in and sits next to me, not too close and not too far. "Hey," I say back, almost silently.

The tension has grown a lot with everyone. But E.J. and Ben are staying with me. It may be awkward sometimes, but we always manage to end up getting into a decent conversations.

I can hear him breathing short and quiet breaths. It's almost as if he were sleeping. "Are you sure you want to leave?" He asks after a while.

I nod with a quick hum. "I want to leave. But I will come back, because that's just who I am. I feel that you all need my protection, you know?"

A muffled chuckle bubbles from him, "We're not the ones whose gonna need the protection."

"Oh yeah?" I say with a sly smile.

He looks at me with a grin, "I'm sure of it."

After looking at each other for a few seconds, I stand up and grab my bag. "I know you didn't come to see me to make me smile for a few seconds," I say and look at him with narrowed eyes. "What do you want?"

"I want you to listen to E.J., Slendy and I." He says with a frown. "I want you to stay, so I can get to know you better. Even L.J. want's you to stay." The impression he gives me makes me cringe. Not because it's bad, but because it doesn't fit him.

I sigh and look away from him, "You know I can't do that."

"Because you're afraid?" My head snaps to him.


He stands up and walks to me, making me feel a moment of discomfort. "You don't want to see Jeff, right?" He snaps. "You don't want to see him because you're afraid to face him. You think you can't tell him what you feel, what you've felt. That's why you get the great idea to run from him. Or is it because," His face is mere inches away from mine as his red orbs shine with frustration, "you feel weak? So you think you can run away and get stronger when really, in reality, you're not! You're just brain washing yourself into thinking that you're weak when you are stronger than most of us." He breaths out finally.

My eyes are wide as I sponge that into my heart. The feeling that I'm getting feels wrong, almost like my heart is being filled with heavy steel.

And like a sudden flash, I shove him and run to my window. Open it, climb half way out and look at him. "Thank you all." I say before jumping off the 3rd floor of the mansion.

"Jenny-" He shouts as I fall to the ground.

It was like I acted out of panic. My legs stretch out farther and farther as I begin to run as fast as I possibly can. The wind slaps against my face, which brings memories to my mind.

A tear quickly drips from my face and blows off my skin.

"Thank you,"

Aye. Um, sorry for the wait, but here it is.

I was a bit stuck when I was writing this, but for you guys, I'd do (mostly) anything.

Until Next Time, My Fellow Weirdlo~


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