Chapter 11: Why Questions

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The more I think about last night, the more I feel.... Bad. I full out rejected him, didn't I? I didn't mean to. I mean I did, but I didn't. He was drunk, so maybe that's why I said that to him.

Did he really mean that though? Or was it just the alcohol speaking for him? Maybe he just said that to get under my skin?

All I know, is that he never returned to his room. So he must be pretty upset about it. But why? It's not like he actually meant it right?

Why am I stressing out over this? Today is the day I get to meet everyone. Jane's going to be with me, of course, while I introduce myself to everyone politely.

"Bens still in the lab healing. Jeff did a good job on him, that's for sure." I listened to Jane's gossip carefully.

"I also heard that Jeff was in the Attic drinking Slender's holiday drinks. He doesn't drink much, unless he's upset or angry about something. So that was something new." I sighed, remembering last night.

Jane's eyes poked at me, until we reached the living room. Everyone was moving around, some hanging out in the kitchen or in the entertainment area.

"Where's Jeff now?" I asked curiously.

She smirked, "Your looking for lover boy now?"

I laughed at her comment, "No, I just don't see him around. And he never came back to the room yet."

"He's most likely in the Attic still. But let's meet everyone before we start worrying about Mr. Bitch, kay?"

I nodded nervously as we headed down the stairs.

Some eyes were on me, while others were busy and hasn't seem to notice me yet.

Jane grabbed my hand and heading towards the first person in sight.

He was sitting on the leather couch, and watched as we approached.

My eyes were more focused on the two axes that were strapped to his hips. He wore orange goggles and a weird metal mouth guard thing. There was fresh blood soaked into his outfit. It's probably getting on the couch too..

Poor couch.

"Toby! Hey." Jane waved, pushing me in front of her.

I stood there for a minute before responding, "H-Hi, I'm Jennifer.. You must be Toby?"

He twitched, "H-Hello there, J-Jennifer it's nice t-to meet you." He kept on twitching. He seemed cool.

But with the blood that was splattered on him, it was hard to focus on his eyes.

"Hope we get to talk more," I called as Jane pulled me to the next person.

"Oh, and who might this be?" Oh god, that sounded like.......

A clown.

My eyes dangerously looked up at a very tall, Gothic looking clown. I felt all the hairs on my body stick straight up.

"U-Umm. Hello, my name is Jennifer." I said quietly.

"Hello little lady. I'm L.J. Its a pleasure to meet you, Jennifer." He bent down and kissed my hand.

This isn't weird.

Before I could say anything else, I was pulled off again.

"Watch it!" A boy yelled walking past me.

I muttered a "sorry" but kept walking. Jane seemed to be enjoying herself, but I was the awkward one.

"Um. Hi, I'm Jennifer. And you are..?" Yes! I haven't stuttered yet!

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