Chapter 19: Old Friends

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"Is she going to be okay Jack?"

Everything is black, but I can hear pretty good. But the thing is... I can't open my eyes, move, talk, nothing. I can only hear others question my health or apologize or talk to me quietly. The lack of doing anything is starting to piss me of majorly.

"She'll be fine. She just needs to rest. I'm sure she'll wake up when she's ready. All we can do right now is wait." E.J.'s voice was rough. Has he not been drinking anything?

I heard a sigh and a gentle hug, "Everyone's missing you Jenny. We really need you here. Plus, when you wake up, you have to listen to Slender's lecture with me. He's still pissed that we dyed Ben's hair pink. But hey, it was worth it. He can't get the shit out." Jane's laugh filled my ears. I wanted to smile and laugh along with her, but I can't.

"And Jeff's been a mess lately. He's been in Slender's liquor again. The only time he comes out is to see you." Jane hugged me tighter. "I'll be coming back later to change your clothes, cause I don't want that creep over there changing them for you." I could feel E.J.'s glare.

Come back soon. 

"I'm leaving now. I'll be right back." I heard heels click against the floor and a door creak open. "E.J.? Can you make sure she's comfortable. I'll be back soon, do you need anything."

"Could you grab me a kidney? They're in the back of the fridge. Thanks." Then a door shut almost silently.

I don't think I can handle anymore of this. I want to see Jane.

I want to see Jeff.

E.J.'s sudden raspy voice filled the room, "I know you can hear us. You need to wake up," I felt a hard pinch on my cheek, "you're hurting Jeff's feelings when you sit here looking pale and dead. Slender said you would wake up on your own, but I think your holding yourself in there. Because your embarrassed to show yourself to everyone after what you said." He let go of my cheek and slapped it lightly. "So wake up before I try to myself."

Shivers went down my spine.

"Hmmm? So you do respond. I wonder how you would respond to my newest drug. I'll give you a hint of what it does." I felt his hot breath on my ear, and he whispered lightly, "Sure would suck if that pretty face of yours was spilling out with blood."

Get away. Now.

"No reply? Guess I'll just have to give it to you." He chuckled. "Better yet, can I have your kidneys?" He licked my ear and smiled.

I'll kill you.

Go away.

"Mmmm. You're suborn, I'll give you that." I felt a needle go into my arm. "Well, hope you don't drown in your own blood. Have fun." That's when I felt a warm substance go through my body.

Something in me snapped. My eyes shot open and I grabbed the needle, yanking it out of me quickly. E.J.'s mask was on so I couldn't tell if he was surprised or not.

I cocked my head to the side, "That hurt."

He shuffled backwards. I felt something push out of my back, making me scream loudly. It was ripping my flesh open slowly making me bleed. E.J. watched me carefully.

But when it was over, I felt a soft touch. I looked behind me and seen black beautiful wings.

"Jennifer?" I heard Jeff's voice, I quickly looked for him.

Even though I could smell the alcohol from here, I still wanted to run and jump into his arms. But I stood there and starred at him with a worried face instead. My eyes teared up.

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