Chapter 31: So Long

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...4 Years Later...

"Please..." The young man cries as he backed himself in a corner. I smile at him gently, holding the Multipod tightly in my hand. "It's okay... the blood doesn't stain tiles unless it sits there for a while."

He looks down at his sister that I had just butchered. Her blood is slowly soaking into his pants and shirt, he just sits there and cries and holds her tightly. "Why are you doing this?" He looks up at me and then quickly at his little sister.

I cock my head at him, "Because," I bend down and point the Multipod at him, which was in the form of a small hatchet, "I am the one who decides whether I live or not."

He whispers a prayer as I raise my hatchet, "And right now, I want to live the way I want to." I brought it down and hit his neck with such force, it sent his head flying to the other side of the room.

Blood sprayed, and I laughed a bit and looked at the Multipod. "Slender, I have no idea why you gave this to me, but thank you so much."

I look around at the hotel. 720 people were just killed by me. Everything is practically dyed red.

Now I understand why Jeff and the rest of them liked to kill. Because it's really fun. It's almost like a hobby.

A daily job.


Olivia looks at her new family with a grin. I get into a more comfortable position in the tree that sits across from her house. I am now 20, which makes her 13.

Mom would've been 44, and Dylan would've been 17.

I smile gently as I watch her eat with her New Mom, Dad and younger Sister. She looks happy, and that's all that matters.

A shuffle noise interrupts my moment, making me turn my head to my Partner, Nurse Ann. She looks at me and pushes her eyebrows together, giving me the hint that she's showing me respect right now.

I push my lips together tightly and give her a slight nod. "Thank you, Ann."

A huff escapes her mouth, making me smile a reserved smile. "Very funny. But it isn't like that. You know how I am."

"And that's exactly why you're stalking her; because you want to kill her." She said sarcastically. I muffle out a laugh. "Whatever. Whatever."

I laugh again, but she joins me gracefully.

Moments like these remind me of Jane. They're so much alike. But I'm sure they don't know each other.

I sigh and think of them. Then I say, "I need to go visit them all." Ann looks at me and finally tells me something I didn't even know she knew.

"You used to live with Slender and his kids, huh?" I look at her with a sly frown. "Why didn't you ever go back like you told them you would? You know that's usually called a dick move."

I laugh but shake my head. "I'm... afraid of what their reaction will be, you know?"

"Not really. But I understand what your getting at." She says with a grin.

"Can I tell you something?"

"And what is it?" She asks as she plays with her chainsaw.

I face her and frown. "I actually fell in love with someone there." She nods and takes it in. "Who?"

I open my mouth to tell her, but she cuts me off, "Is it Masky?" I shiver with disgust.

"Hell no." I say loudly. "It's Jeff." A gagging noise was to be heard from her. I laugh awkwardly when she looks at me with her red shiny eyes. "I expected someone way better than that douchebag."

I look down at my hanging feet. "I did too. Until I fell for him-"

"Go visit him." She says suddenly. I look at her and shake my head rapidly.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I say quickly. My heart thumped for the first time in forever. Or maybe this is the first time I noticed my heart's beat. "He and I had sex before I ran off."

She shrugs. "So? What's the problem with that?" She says while shining her chainsaw with her glove. "It's just sex."

"The thing is... I didn't want to have sex with him."

She looked up, "So he raped you?"

I sigh, "No... I just couldn't tell myself to stop him. It's like I wanted to, but didn't want to. I was just immature, I acted like a kid." I say while I look at Olivia and her 'Mom' clean the dishes. "It's just a stupid situation in general."

"Then visit the others. And if he wants to talk to you, just act like nothing ever happened. Just be yourself and I promise nothing will get in your way." She says and begins to get ready to jump off of the tree. Right before she does, she looks at me and smiles. "I'll be at the house. I'll pack your shit, just for the weekend though. I don't like to share with people." She winks before jumping.

I laugh and yell at her playfully, "Good, the feeling's mutual!"


I look at the bag with a glare. "You said for the weekend. Not for the rest of the year."

She laughs and taps on the oversized bag. "You have to be prepared for anything. I can't just let you leave without knowing that you will be fine without me."

"Tell me again why you aren't coming?" I ask as I grab the bag and swing it over my shoulder. She sighs and looks at me with a sad look. "SlenderMan kicked me out of his territory. If I go, he'll kill me, and possibly you for standing by my side."

"Fucking Slender, I swear..." I mumble.

I didn't want to ask her why she got in trouble with him, so I just played it off like I didn't care. Even though I really wanted to know.

She shoves me towards the door and smiles, "Now get going before I change my mind-"

"You mean before I can stop you." I cut her off. She laughs but mutters a 'sure' before shoving me out the door. I sigh and take out my Multipod. I look at it with a sudden fear that I haven't felt before. It felt a bit like embarrassment, but it was tainted with something else. Something like nervousness.

I was tempted to walk back in and tell Ann that I can't. That I'm not capable of doing it. But she would most likely kick my ass. I sigh and hold out my Multipod with a frown.

"Take me to Slenderman's Mansion." I say without hesitation. But just as it teleports me, I realize what I just did.

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