Chapter 24: Come Back With Me

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We sat there for a few minutes before she let go and looked me dead in the eyes, "You did eat those cheese balls though, right?"

I laughed a bit, "Not yet." I flicked her in the forehead and stared at her, "I have a few bones to pick with you. Why the hell did you do that?!"

"I had to." She replied with a sad smile, "Otherwise, Blaecleah would attack with Zalgo. A-And you might have gotten hurt, or worse!"

"Don't worry about me." I looked forward with a blank stare. "I won't be able to fight when I hear things like that from you. It makes it hard to think."

"Sorry." We sat there in comfortable silence. It wasn't long before we were sitting on the ground filled with purple flowers. It's not something I want right now, but I can't say anything.

I felt her head rest itself on my shoulder. "It's weird." She chuckles, "Even though I can see and hear you... I can't feel the warmth to you touch. It makes me wonder if you're actually here or not."

I'm here.

I want to stay here.

That's what I should say.

I want to be with you.

I want to say.

"Come back with me." I murmur.

She freezes and stares off into the distance. I want to wait for her to answer, but the fact that she's not responding ticks me off.

"I refuse-"

"Why?" She's stuck in a corner now. Cause I'm not leaving without her.


"I need more than that."

She stands up and looks at me with a smile. "What more do you want to hear, Jeff?"

I stand up and get in her face. "I want to hear you say that you'll come back with me!" I threw my hands in the air. "Is that too much to ask for?!"

"Calm down."

"I'm done with people telling me to calm down. I don't want to calm down, so stop telling me to!" Why doesn't anyone understand this?

I felt her hand touch my face softly. "You felt lonely, didn't you?"

I sucked in a shaky breath. She finally got the hint that I want going to respond to her question so she moved on with a smile.

"I'll have to come back sooner or later, I know I can't run from that. But I'll stay in here, wherever this is, for just a little bit longer. Once everything is okay and back to normal-"

"It's not going to be normal unless you come out of this stupid fucking dream. Get it through your head. You think that Zalgo and his brother are going to stop attacking us because they think your dead? Are you that retarded Jennifer?" Her eyes were wide with shock. But was soon replaced with anger.

"It's not my fault I was like this!"

"It doesn't matter that your like that!"

"Then why are you telling at me to come back?!"

"Because I fucking miss you!"

"So romantic Jeff-"

"Come back!-"


We both liked at each other With a mean stare. I finally spoke up. "Are you trying to protect yourself from reality?"

I grabbed her by her shoulders and looked her deep in the eyes. "We need your strength. Wet all need you to fight with us so we can fucking win. If we don't, we're all gonna be dead. They're both going to kill every last one of us."

Her eyes were glazed with tears as she looked at me. "We need you. I need you."


There was a pause as we both looked at each other.

"I love you. I love all of you. Just... Just let me think about all this first." I felt myself getting lighter add she spoke.

I knew what was happening. Slender was bringing me back to the mansion. And I wasn't ready just yet.

"Jenny." She looked at me with wide eyes before smiling softly. "I guess your times up in here, huh?" She laughed before walking up to me and hugging me tightly. My muscles tensed at her touch, but I wrapped my arms around her petite body.

"See you later." She mumbled in my hoodie. I smiled at her words.

"See ya."

Everything went black. I was standing in pitch black. I smiled as I remembered her words.

"See you later."

"Are you okay Jeffery?" I winced at that name. "How many times do I have to tell you? That's not my name anymore, Mr. Slenderman."

He sighed. "I see you're perfectly fine." He stood tall as he helped me up, "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Is she coming back?" I smiled and shook my head.

"Not right now. But I'm sure she will soon."

Okay, so... First off. School starts back up next week on Wednesday. Which means my schedule will have to change.

That means, I'm probably going to be updating once every one or two weeks. Sorry. ;(

But ayyye. I finished this one, right? Oh.. and sorry it's so short. I really needed to pee, but I was to lazy to get up so I was kinda rushing...

Well, I guess this is farewell for now. Until next time, my fellow weirdlo~


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