Chapter 2: Running...

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"She'll wake up soon, don't worry." A soft voice spoke.

Where the hell am I?

"Good," A husky voice adds, "I hate waiting for things." Snobby.

I open my eyes. Looking around, I noticed I was in a hospital bed. And let's just make this as clear as possible.

I. Hate. Hospitals.

"Hey, Jennifer, looks like your up." I look over by the doorway.

My heart stops.

There was a boy with blue eyes, and brown flippy hair standing by the doctor. He looked around my age too.. And hella hot.

I snap back to my senses, "So I am."

"Well, I was expecting you to sleep a lot more. But I guess the meds didn't really take an affect on you much." He laughs holding his stupid clipboard to his side.

"Oh, and you have a visitor." He says pointing to the stranger with his hand.

My stomach turns as I narrow my eyes, "Who are you?"

"Jeffery. Your boyfriend." Jefferey? I don't know a Jeffery.

"Umm.... I don't-"

"She must of hit her head or something doc, are you sure she's okay?" He says cutting me off.

I snarl silently. Who does he think he is? Fucking acting like he knows me.

Wait, what if he does know me? No way!

"She seems to be fine, she just popped her ribs out of place."

The memories started flooding into my head, almost making me scream.

"Is Kai okay?" I shout trying to sit up.

A seriously big amount of pain rushed through me. I about screamed.

I groan and lay back.

"Please don't push yourself Miss Queen." The doctor carefully sat me back.

"Is Kai okay?" I repeat making him look down with sad eyes.

"Kai was seriously injured when we found him. Once we committed him, he was worried about you. We came in a checked on you after his surgery, but once we came back to see how his healing was coming up, he wasn't in his room." My eyes tear up as they stay wide open.

He was kidnapped? No. No, why would someone take Kai?

The man that tried killing us could've taken him.

"I have an idea who kidnapped Kai!" I whisper to myself with victory.

Jeffery tenses up.

"You need some rest babe. Go to sleep."

Go. To. Sleep.

Those words echoed throughout my head. Those three terrifying words.

I feel a sharp pain in my arm where my I.V was supposed to go. I look down to see a needle deep in my arm.

Wait, what are they doing?

The nurse began to push me down along with the doctor.

This is only making me freak out even more. I look at Jeffery, watching him shut the door. My mind is blank as I start to get angry. I'm not staying in here.

I scream on the top of my lungs as they grabbed me roughly. I'm kicking and punching out in different places. A set of hands stopped pushing me down, giving me a sign that I could get up now.

Anger IssuesWhere stories live. Discover now