Chapter 5: Questions

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"Pfft. I bet I could win against you." I ramble on for the millionth time today. Or tonight. I can't really remember, and sense they're aren't any windows that doesn't help much either. Also, I haven't been sleeping, that could be another reason.

"Shut up."

"But I bet I can, 'cause you, my sir, are a sore loser." I grin widely as Jack shifts in his seat with anger. Jeff left a few hours ago. Something about 'I can't take it anymore, good luck Jack'.

"Your skills and intelligence is fairly low. And reading your body language is like reading a book. I hope you have good luck with your delusions." I can literally feel his smirk.

My turn, dickhead. "Prove it." He whips his head towards me so fast, I could feel the air hit my face from across the room.

"You're more stupid than I thought."

"Whaaaat? Stupid?" I ask pouting with a sly grin in my eyes.

"You are indeed very unintelligent, maybe even a bit tedious to work on. Maybe I should upon the dosage of Clorea I give you."

"Fine. Sense you want me to pick, I honestly think I'm crazy. Not stupid, 'cause I could win against you." I smile innocently. He shakes his head but never replies.

Silence fills the room with a toxic gas, slowly killing everything that dared to pass. To stay protected, I just listen to my heartbeat steadily beat in my chest.

"How old are you?" Jack brakes the dining in my ears. Suddenly, I get an urge to flip him off.

"16. Why?"

"Hmm. Interesting." He looks down at his work on his clipboard.

"What? Is there something wrong with me?" I shake my head, "Man, you probably screwed me up." I smile a bit, "I'm gonna die now right? Cancer, Lethal Affects of Drugs?..." I was honestly probably already fucked up. But he just made me worse, huh?

"Would you shut up. I'm looking at what I've done to you. I've injected you with twenty different drugs, and you still ended up fine." He sounds frustrated, maybe because he's confused about it.

Maybe I'm too cool for drugs... Haaa. Lies.

"What does that mean?"

He sighs, "See, you are rather unintelligent." His head shakes, making his chocolate hair sway softly. "The torturing liquids that I have created always ends up going negative on you."

"Which means?"

He growls at me, making me flinch back, "It means that you're pathetic self doesn't have after affects."

"And what does that mean?"

"Oh my-It means that your special, in a way." He slams down his clipboard on the medical table.

"How am I special? I'm not anything worth your time." I look at the lights that shined above me a bit too brightly.

"Oh yes, indeed you are." His voice is laced with wickedness. "Your very much worth my time. I don't know why Jeff was interested in you at the time, but now I can see what he was looking at." Finally he ends up sighing and pulls off his black gloves, and showed his gray tinted skin.

"Pffft. Jeff is an asshole. He killed my family, and then brought me here. To be a personal guinea pig."

"He did it for a reason, I'm sure." He looked at his watch, "But the thing is, he's not a big fan of torturing his victims. That's something I normally do. He kills to... fill in his need to see blood and hear screams."

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