Chapter 32: A Lot Has Changed

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Standing outside of the Mansion brings to many emotions at once it almost knocks me off my feet. For a minute, I just stand there and observe the stillness of the darkened forest.

But the silence is making me think about what to do, even though I just want to wing it. "Okay." I whisper, sighing shakily.

I begin to walk up the stairs. Right next to the spot Jane and I used to sit for hours, just talking -and complaining- about nothing in particular. Nostalgia walks through my mind elegantly, making me nauseous.

As I reach the door, I can feel my stomach turning and twisting with anxiety. My hand touches the door nob, and as I turn it to open the door, a soft feeling enters my mind.

Relaxation flows through me like a gentle wave on an ocean shore. I smile and think about Slender helping me out.

Wind blows against my face as I swing the door open, revealing everyone that I've missed for a long time. Ben sits on the couch playing on a laptop, and he doesn't even bother to look up when he says, "Jeff, Slender says he wants to talk to you. Something about Anger Problems."

"I'm not Jeff." I say coldly. Ben whips his head towards my direction with widened eyes. It takes a few seconds for him to process who I am.

I changed my style completely. Three years ago, I dyed my hair a chestnut color, but my roots are beginning to show. Then I cut it, so now it's layered all the way to my shoulders.

He sits there, still as a bristle, "Jennifer?" He whispers. I nod my head slowly. "My name is Jennifer, you are Ben. Everyone knows this." I smile as he begins to tear up. Blood beginning to slips down his face.

I drop my bag when he rushes to me like a kid. His arms wrap around me and his face goes into my neck. I can feel the wetness of the blood soak into my skin.

"You came back. You actually came back." He cries into my neck. A soft laugh comes out as I rub his head. "You're acting like a baby, Ben. What ever happened to the perv-"

I squeaked when I felt his hand slip down my back as I say that. He laughs and lets go of me. "Oh, the pervert is still here."

"Thanks..." I laugh while I step back. "You look-" I look him up and down, "-normal?"

He laughs. "You've changed. I wasn't expecting you to look so... different." I smile.

I wonder where Jeff is. The only person here right now is Ben. Where is everyone else?

"Everyone went out for some thing that I wasn't not listening to." He explains as if he just read my mind. "E.J. is here, but he's in his Lab. Ever sense you left, he locked himself in there. And Jeff..."

"I know about Jeff. I seen it on the News, and on the papers. And magazines. Also on a couple of internet websites. He's becoming quite famous." I sigh and walk over to the couch. "Has E.J. been eating right?"

"His appetite isn't like it used to be. He barely comes out, but when he does, he stays out for days straight. Slendy has even tried talking to him, but sense E.J. is a genius, he pushed him away."

He didn't look at me while he said that, which gave me a hint that I needed to check up on lil 'ol Jacky. I didn't even get to sit down yet, but I still find myself babysitting people -no, grown ass men- when I come back.

How convenient.

"I'll be back." I say before storming into the direction  of Jacks Lab. Why is he so stubborn?!

Once I reached the door, I breath in a short breath before knocking gently. There was shuffling from behind the door, but it stayed quiet.

I knock again, but harder. Still no answer. So finally, I decide to whisper. "Jack? Can you answer the door before I kick it down out of frustration-"

The door swings open, revealing a face that I wanted to avoid for the rest of my life. "Jeff?"

His eyes study mine for a minute. Nothing was to be heard. E.J. looks at me from behind Jeff, his mask off and eyeless sockets wide with confusion.

I sigh and begin to walk away, when Jeff wraps his large white fingers around my upper arm. Out of reaction, my hand grabs my Multipod from its sheath and points it at him. He doesn't even flinch as he brings me into a hug.

My breath stops as he drops to his knees with me still in his arms. "Jennifer. Jennifer, is it really you?"

I couldn't speak, couldn't move. I just sit there in his arms. A lump begins to form in my throat, tears threatening to fall. Why was he acting like this?

Why was I reacting like this?

"It's me. It's me Jeff." I try to shove him off, but his grip tightens. My chest gets tight as he brings his lips to my ear, gently pressing them against the heated skin.

"I missed you. I missed you so damn much." He whispers, his head burying into my hair.

I nod, "I know Jeff." I remember the News telling the world about the message Jeff left me in a church, the note written in blood.

I wrap my arms around him, changing my Multipod into a small dagger.

"I know."

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