Chapter 26: Is This It?

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"Where are they?" Clockwork asked, backing up against Toby, her knives in hand.

Most of the Mansion was called to the living room, others were searching the perimeter. Jack was watching Jennifer for me, so I wouldn't be slowed down. Even so... I'm thinking about her too deeply.

"We haven't finished our plan yet, how are we gonna beat them?" Jeff asked Masky. Each and every person in the Mansion had their weapons out, their minds slowly turning to insanity, and their thirsts for blood becoming stronger every passing second.

"JENNIFER, YOU CAN'T FIGHT YET!" Jack yelled from down the hall.

I heard loud footsteps, I thought she was going to jump into my arms and say she was going to fight with me, but boy am I wrong. "And I said I was, so suck my dick, Jacky." She ran into the living room with Jack not that far behind her.

My eyes focused on the shiny object in her hands. It seemed familiar. But I couldn't put my finger on it.

Her hand held it perfectly, and then she said the words I thought I would never hear again, "Open, Muiltipod."

A memory flashed through my head. Slender had told me about it once, saying it was a legendary weapon made by his father. Whoever was able to wield it, could master each and every weapon that was built into it. I wouldn't think Jennifer would be able to...

"NOW!" She yelled. It shined a bright light that blinded anyone who dared to look at it directly.

J E N N I F E R ' S P . O . V

I wanted to fight with them. I may be upset with Jeff, but I've grown close with them.

Even if they did agree with kidnapping me.

"Where are they, are they here yet?" I asked them. Jane walked up to me, wrapping me up in her arms with a bear hug. "No, we haven't found where they're hiding yet, but we have caught their sent." She said looking around the Mansion. "They must be close by."

"Have you seen anything out of place recently?" I wanted to get as much information out before I went out on my own.

"No," Jane answered.

"I'll search the perimeter with the others, could you accompany me?" Jane smiled. "Of course. After all, I could die today."

We ran out of the living room to the front door. As my feet hit the ground, I felt like I was flying again. I could smell his scent. He smelt like flames. But the smell was everywhere. It was like he was everywhere.

"Shit, get under the tree's!" I yelled, pushing Jane under a pine tree. I hit the ground with a loud thud. I barely missed his attack.

A warm liquid trickled down my arm, I winced as I got up. "Missed me, Blaecleah."

Loud laughter filled the silence, "Good, I didn't want to decapitate you on the first try." I breathed softly so I could try to pick out where he was.

"Sweet talking me, now?" I puffed out, "That's not the best idea, remember?"

"I would show myself, but I see you have a shiny tool there." He sighed. "Why couldn't we have a fair fight, honey?"

I laughed this time, "If this were fair, you wouldn't be in the air, hiding from me, pussy."

Jane came up from behind me, "Who are you talking to?"

"A asshole."

"That wasn't very nice." Blaecleah flew up in front of me and tried to punch me in the stomach, but I blocked the blow with the Multipod Slender gave me.

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