Chapter 22: Screwed

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"There's no way we'll win like that!" I yelled towards E.J.

He growled at me and pointed at the heart of the forest on the map Slender made for us last night for our plans. "This is the only way to lead them both away from Jennifer! Unless you want your little girlfriend in trouble, I suggest you stick to our plans! And shut the fuck up." I snarled but rolled my eyes.


"You're lucky that I'm even helping your white ass." Ignoring him, I point to the mansion's location, "So sense Jenny's here, we're going to lead them in a zig zag attack to this place? May I ask what's so special about that spot?" My finger slid across the paper to a red circle and I talked it lightly.

E.J. nodded and leaned back in his chair with a loud sigh, "Jeff. Some of us aren't going to make it. You realize that... right?"

Looking at the wall blankly, I cross my arms over my chest. "Yeah." Was all I manage to get out. I didn't know what else to say. The fact of my family dying makes my blood boil, but the fact of losing Jennifer-

I pushed my eyebrows together.

Don't think like that. She's going to live. I'm going to live-err... survive. And the same goes with the rest of the others. We're all going to survive this fucked up world together, like we vowed!

"I got a question for you Jeff."

I put a hand over my eyes and leaned against the wall, "I'm all ears."

It was silent for a while. I heard shuffling and a sigh. E.J.'s voice was like a gunshot to the ear. "Why do you... like her?"

I chuckled. "It's like... your obsession with kidneys." I smiled weakly. "You don't have to have them, but you'd prefer them in your life, yes?" I uncovered my eyes and looked at my masked best friend. "Because they make you feel better." I chuckle again, "That's how I feel towards her."

I glared at the clock and walked towards the labs door. "Duty calls, by the way. I'll be back to discuss the plans later. You told the others right?"

"Mmmm." He hummed. "I'll take that as a yes. See ya Jacky Boy."

It only took a few seconds to get to Jenny's healing room. When I walked in, the sudden smell of blood filled my nose, overpowering my other senses. I winced and covered my nose with my hand trying to protect myself from lashing out.

"Jeff?" Her voice was small and weak. My face twisted when I seen her lying there on the hospital bed. Blood surrounding her body, soaking into her sheets and clothes, and staining the floors tiles.

"Jenny..." I walked towards her but she widened her eyes and lifted her pale arm up.

Her breathing was heavy as she spoke, "S-Stop! Don't get-ah! D-Don't get closer... Please..." Her arm started going limp.

I started walking closer, and I went to grab her, but I slipped on something, landing face first on the blood filled floor. And for the first time in my life, I was grossed out by the blood that was now staining my hands and hoodie. I gagged when I looked at what I slipped on. There was her black wing. She must of cut them off. But why?

Was it because of her past?

"Jeff... you always come to save me. I don't even know why... But," she touches my face with her hand. "I love you for that. Thank you so much... F-For being there when I needed someone to brighten my... dark life... Thank you Jeff..." Her eyes closed as she pulled me into a soft embrace. I felt her tears on my neck. "I love... you Jeff."

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her gently. She winced, but didn't let go. "Promise... me you will... stay out of trouble..."

"Why are you saying these things? Why are you talking like that? I don't understand. I don't-what are you implying?!" I gasped as she laughed softly.

It was like music to my ears.

Her grip on me tightened as she pulled herself closer. "I was in so much pain. I am in pain. All because of who I am. All because of... me." She laughed again, "So I'm giving up. Maybe you'll see me again... I don't know." A tear touched my hot skin. "It'll be easier for you if I were gone too." She rubbed my back as I starred at nothing.

She did this... for me...? She's gonna kill herself for me?

"No." I whispered. "No. Not now. N-Not ever!" For the first time in 5 years... I finally broke down completely. My breathing came out ragged as I choked on air and sobbed on her shoulder. "Don't leave me Jennifer! Don't leave me in the dark! I've been there so long, b-but you... you healed me! Showed me light!" I sobbed and clung onto her like a leech.

I can't believe how pathetic I'm being. But it's all true. All of it.

She laughed and lifted my face so hers was in front of mine. Her eyes looked at me softly. "I will continue to show you light. I will. Count on me." Her lips crashed on mine. I melted into the kiss quickly and pulled her closer.

Please don't leave me. I can't have anyone else leave me in this dark place.

Her hands started to travel down my hoodie. I automatically got turned on, cause I'm a guy... and that's what happens when a girl touches you like this.

I continued to kiss until I had a sudden thought. Breaking away from the kiss quickly, I check to see if it was still in my pocket. When I noticed that it was gone I mentally cursed myself as I scanned Jennifer. My eyes landed on my knife. Tears rolled down my face like rivers.

She sat there, lifeless, with my knife lodged in her chest.

My cold heart started to burn with guilt and depression and anger. I didn't know how to react.

"N-No..... No! NO NO NO! NOO! WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING DO THAT JENNY?! WHY'D YOU DO IT?!" I shouted and collapsed.

Call be a bitch, but I cried for her to come back. Slender soon came in and noticed my sudden state of mind, and took her to his Office to see what he could do with her.

I didn't move from my spot. Her face was all that rang through my head. Her smiling face.

She killed herself because of me.



So.. I have a feeling your mad as fuck at meh. Yea... well... Like or Hike?

So how are you, my fellow weirdlo? I feel like talking, so why don't one of you start a convo with me? That would be fantabulous!

Well, I think this is farewell for now. Until next time, my fellow weirdlo~


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