Chapter 15: Awkward Conversations

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"Okay... That was a lot to take in." I breathed out.

Jeff looked at me like I was stupid, "You only heard one thing-"


"I GET IT ALREADY." Jeff yelled.

I huffed and crossed my arms around my chest, "Anyways... Slender?" He hummed.

"What does that make me, exactly?" They both looked at me, then at each other.

"I'm not sure Child." I looked at Jeff, who shrugged.

I sighed and nodded, "Great, so I'm not human, but I'm an unknown creature that murders people for sport. Really excited." Giving a sarcastic thumbs up.

"Thanks for the enthusiasm. We really needed to hear that." He returned the sarcasticness.

I'm honestly confused. If I'm not human.... What the fuck am I? Superhuman? Wait... Isn't that still a human, but with superpowers?

Ugh! Why am I so confused?

"It's just as you said, it is a lot to take in." Slender said folding his hands together and setting them in his lap.

I don't want to reply, so I only nod. Slender nods back and teleported back to wherever he was before here.

Jeff and I were in a comfortable silence before he broke it.

"Can we talk about something?" Closing my eyes, I nod.

Not too long after, I felt the side of my bed sink down.

I'm really uncomfortable. The tension in the air is really thick, making it almost hard to breath.

"What is it?" I say reopening my eyes. His face was filled with seriousness. Nothing I have seen before on him. I immediately felt concern.

"What's wrong?" He only looks deep into my eyes. Not even bothering to respond.

I continue my prying, "Jeff, what's wrong? Did something happen?" He shakes his head.

"Why?" He suddenly asks.

"....Huh?" Why? What does he mean? "Why what?"

He looks at me with a stupid look on his face, "Why did you... You know... Do that..."

Literally right before I was going to ask him what he meant by that, a certain memory flashes through my head.

"O-Oh you mean... That..." My cheeks flush into a bright pink.

"O-Oh... Yeah." Jeff mocks me. I glare, trying my best not to punch him in his face.

Then my mind goes back to his question. Why did I kiss him?

Oh Jeff, funny thing is... I felt bad so I thought sucking your face off was the best idea to roll with.

"Did you mean it?" Shock takes over my mind.

Shit. I forgot that I told him that I might be in love with him. What was I thinking?!

The words come out before I have a chance to think anything over.

"Yes. I meant it." His eyes sparkle. But in a split second, it disappears.

Before he could respond, E.J walks through the door that I just now realized was there.

My heart pounds with fear. I can feel his killer glare burning through me. Sense I can't really see his face, it makes it harder to read his expression.

"W-Why the fuck are y-you here?!" I couldn't help out but to stutter. I'm fucking scared out of my mind.

His voice holds no emotion, "I'm here to give you a check up. Just to see how your body is reacting to the medication Slender gave you. Nothing serious."

I looked at Jeff with a worried face. But my face softened to his gentle gaze. I looked back at E.J. "No needles... Right?"

"No needles."


"You're such a kid."


He sighed in frustration, "Fine. I... Promise."

I giggled with victory, "Then do your stuff Doctor E.J!'

For once in my life... I heard him chuckle. Not the evil dark chuckle. It was a real chuckle!

I beamed a bright smile at him before looking back at Jeff. His face was blank. Knowing that he was in deep thought, I decided to leave him alone.

"Does your head hurt?" E.J questions.

"Not really."

"Are you nauseous?"

I shake my head. So. Let the questions begin.


"I can walk perfectly on my own Jeff." I swatted his hands away for the millionth time.

He ignored me completely by taking place by my side again. Why is he being so nice all of a sudden? Was it what I told in E.J's 'emergency room'?

I'm just a bit dizzy from getting up too fast. Nothing that important.

But he still won't listen.

Cause he's stubborn as fuck.

"C'mon Jeff, I'm fine. Really. I don't need your help going up to our room."

He growls quietly, "Shut up and let me help."

"But I-"

"Jennifer." His voice drops down to a dangerous tone.

Shivers go down my spine. "Fine. Only because you offered." I smile slightly.

He chuckles, "It's more because I signed up for it." My eyes widened, and I shot a glance at him. I guess he felt me staring at him because he caught my eyes. I blush, but something kept me from looking away. The look in his eyes were daring, but soft. They were mesmerising. His dull eyes were suddenly filled with light. I couldn't look away. Even if my life depended on it.

Why can't I look away?

"Jennifer?" He purrs.


"Has anyone told you that your the weirdest person alive?"



I couldn't control my arms. "NUT SHOT!" I punched him with all my might where the sun doesn't shine.

He grunted loudly and landed hard on the floor. I smiled and the sight of a cold hearted killer crying on the floor beneath me. For once in my life, I actually didn't regret hitting a man.

"You're so... evil... Jenny."


He looks up at me,"I got a question for you." My face softened.


"Can you play with my weenie?"


My fist met with his face again and again.

What did I drag myself into?

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