Chapter 28: I Love You... Too much

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"Just one more drink..." I grab another bottle of vodka from Slender's shelf. Popping open the top and taking another drink of the burning liquid, I sit back down on the arm rest that's in the corner of the attic.

I've been drinking sense last week. Sense Jennifer told me...

"You said one more drink a couple of drinks ago." I look up lazily at Jennifer's concerned face. I shrug her off and take another chug.

Once my lips leave the bottle's top, I look away and lean my head back. "What do you want? I thought you didn't like me."

She sighs, "I never said... Look, I'm still going to look after you. Just like I do with Ben now."

"I don't see why." I mumble.

"What do you mean by that?" I look up at her with a grin. The buzz taking over my body. "He practically raped you. And I only lied to you to protect you. And yet, you treat Ben better than me-"

"First off, don't talk about what Ben did to me-"

"But it's true-" She cuts me off.

"Second, you lied. End of story. That's not protecting me-"

"To me-"

"And third, I don't treat anyone better than each other. So everything you said there, was wrong." She smacks the bottle from my hand, making it land on the hard wood floor with a clash.

We both look at the glass shards that cover the ground along with the liquor. Then I look at her again. "I wasn't done with that."

"You shouldn't even be drinking that, anyways." She grabs my left arm. "Now get up. I'll walk you to your room."

I shake my head, "Not unless you sleep with me tonight."

She smacks me upside the head, "Stop being a pervert and get up."

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

She stops pulling me and looks down. "Jeff, please."

I don't reply. I want her to talk to me honestly. I just want to hear her say the words I'm looking for. But she doesn't. She just stands there looking down. Her brown hair is a mess, which makes it hot.

I move my eyes off of her figure and onto the bottles of liquor that lined the shelves. She lets go of my arm and begins to walk away. I look at her again, quickly, with desperation. "Where are you going?"

She stops walking when she reaches the attic's door, "If you would open your eyes and see who you're hurting, then maybe you'd notice." Then with all of that said, she opens the door and walks out without looking at me again.

I don't have a clue of what she said to me, and that makes me feel weird. I usually know everything I want to know. But I think it might be the fact that I already know how she feels now. I think, maybe, it's just because I know the answers already, but I just don't like them. And still... I hate that I want to change her. For me.

Everything I've done was because of my stinginess. Because I'm self-centered.

"Jennifer..." I whisper to myself. "Why can't you help me with that...?"

J E N N I F E R ' S P . O . V

"Has he still been in that fucking attic?" Jack asks me. I shrug and sit down on his hospital bed. "It's like he's actually upset."

He chuckles, "He is upset. You're the only person he's romantically cared for."

I look at Jack with a glare, "Sucks to be him, doesn't it?" He shifts his mask, making it so I could see his mouth and nose. He grabs a bag from his hoodie and unzips it, taking out a kidney. I watch as he takes a large bite from it.

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