Chapter 20: Past vs Present

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The black flames swallowed me quickly. It feels like I'm about to get frostbite.

This is all happening so fast, I don't know what to do. Screw this weird guy! I want to live with Slender! With Jeff. I don't want to be with this guy that practically beat me to death and threw me in flames.

Don't think. Try to get out. You can do this. You can do this.

I can do this.

I know I can.

I started to flap my wings harder, but something grabbed ahold of my left wing. It felt like a hand. I really hot hand. Flap harder. Another pair of hands grabbed ahold of me by my right wing. Let go. More and more grabbed my wings and pulled me down further into the flames. I let out a loud scream. That only made more hands grab my body.


I was too busy yelling to hear them. Once their pained screams reached my ears, my eyes widened and I looked down at them. What I starred at, scarred me. I wont be able to erase this memory. I wont be able to...

Burning bodies grabbed me and tried to pull me into the abyss. They all screamed. It looked as if their skin would slide off of their body at any moment. But their faces are what scared me most. I gasped.





I couldn't even fight anymore. My body weakened and I was quickly dragged down. But then I heard a warm laugh. It was too warm... too familiar. "I see you're almost here."

I only blinked once, and I was in a whole different place. My eyes wondered around the spacious bedroom. Everything in here was either gold or a really dark red. It was also almost too warm. Like there was a fire next door.

I jumped when a hand slowly traced my shoulder. Ready to attack at any moment, I quickly turn around, coming face to face with the man from earlier.

"How was the ride?" His smirk sent unwanted chills down my back. "Did you learn anything?" I don't want to show any weakness towards him.

I looked at him with a blank stare. "I want answers. Now." His smirk turned into a frown.

"I was wanting to have some fun before that. But I guess that'll have to wait." His eyes searched my body.

My face was twisted in disgust. This... This is what will get him killed.

"So what do you want to know?"




He pushed me to the bed. "Fine. But first, you must do something for me." I tried to sit up, but his stare made me feel uncomfortable, so I laid there propping myself up with my elbows.

My breath hitched as he climbed on top of me. "Cut to the chase."

He smirked widely and leaned in by my right ear, "As you wish, my bride." I gasped as he grabbed my hips. "I have to claim you for mine. Before anyone tries to take you from me."

My eye twitched. "Not happening buddy. I'm going home after I get my questions-"

"You are home. And you'll stay here." He snarled. I tried to push him off me but he pushed himself against my body. This is not happening. This man is gross. Especially if he thinks I'm going to give my virginity to him. Sick bastard.

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