Chapter 12: Surprises

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Does he really mean it?

A blush covers my face, "W-What?"

His hands are gently placed against my waist, and his eyes are fixated on me.

"I want you Jenny." My heart is pounding. His face is getting closer to mine.

Oh god. What do I do? What do I do?!

Suddenly, my world is crashing down again. He can't get close. He can't.

"Jeff I-"

"Please," he says. My eyes widen.

His arms are wrapped around me and his head is placed on my shoulder. He's.... Hugging me.

"Just stay like this for a little while longer." He says, tightening his grip.

My arms wrap themselves around his back and my head leans against his.


Everything that I've felt about him, has changed. Completely changed into something I haven't felt in years.

Absolute happiness.


"So.. How'd it go?" Jane grins.

"Smoothly, I guess. We settled things in a way."

She grinned even bigger, "You and funny face a item now?"

My eyes widened and a blush formed on my face, "N-No! Where would you get that idea?!" Honestly. She is a handful.

"Oh, just looking at the hickey on your neck-"

I threw a pillow at her face, making her stop her sentence.

She giggled as she got up from her bed, heading for her closet. "I got some clothes for you that you might like. You might wanna check them out first, just to make sure."

"Way to change the subject." I joked getting up from her black bean bag chair.

I gasped at the enormous box filled with clothes.

It took us an hour to sort them, and to see if they fit me. Most of the clothes show off my curves, but I took them anyway. Mostly because they looked amazing on me.

"Dinner is served!" Someone yells from downstairs.

Jane laughs, "He's always so formal."

I looked at her with confusion before following her out.

"You'll get used to it here soon. People are already taking a liking to you, you should really hear what they say about you!" Jane beams.

"Well I'm glad it's not bad..... Right?" I question.

She laughs as we enter the dining room, "Hear for yourself."

I look at her blankly. And that's when I hear it.

"There she is."

"She's the Jennifer, right? Man she's cute!"

"I bet she's bad ass."

"She could be."

"Wow, even Jeff likes her. I can see why."

My face heats up in embarrassment. Sadly, I'm not like any of you. Though I wish I were. Jane pulled out a chair and sat down, I copied. Again, their eyes are starting to burn through me.

I felt somebody poke my side. Déjà vu flew into my head.

I quickly looked over to see if it was Ben. But everything that I felt melted away when I seen Jeff's face.

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