Chapter 17: Pain

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Honestly, I think I'm starting to regret agreeing with them to do this.

"Oww." I whined as Jack stuck the needle in my arm. He sighed at my comment.

Neither of us are too happy about doing this. Jack has been listening to my daily whining, and I have been feeling his daily pain and his lectures. So it's literally a lose-lose situation.

"It might hurt for a minute, but I'm pretty sure this is the one to numb your body." Pretty sure?

Great. He's giving be unknown drugs again. Yay for me on that one.

It felt smooth going through my body, then I felt nothing. Jack made sure that it was working right, because he stuck the tip of his scalpel in my arm. And still, I felt nothing.

"I'm going to have to hurry because your body." He pulls out another syringe filled with a black liquid.

Before he puts it in my arm, he wipes the surface of the spot he's going to inject me with a disinfecting wipe, and then pushes the needle in and let's the unknown liquid go through my veins. I'm actually really happy that I only feel a tingling sensation right now. Because I remember how painful this drug is. I really don't want to go through that again.

He pulls the needle out after he emptied the syringe, and wipes it again. I feel nothing.

"How's it going?" I asked curiously.

He watches the clock on the labs wall. "It hasn't fully kicked in yet. Just keep that in mind."

A lump formed in my throat. Please say that I haven't spoken too soon.

"Do you feel anything?" He asks, not dropping his gaze from the clock.

"N-No. Should I?" Shaking his head, he replies: "It's almost over."

I nod with relief. "Good."

"Don't get excited now, we still have to do this for another week. Slender's orders." I could practically feel his smirk.

I groaned. "Is there any other way for you to do this? Seriously, I'm getting sick of needles. And I've only been here for barely a month."

He chuckles, "No, not that I know of."

Another groan escapes my mouth.

"I hate life."


"So, how'd it go?" Jane noticed my face, and laughed.

"That bad huh? You really must hate needles."

I looked at her insanely, "I hate everything that has to do with needles! Why couldn't I just breath it in or something? Nooo, they have to give me eight shots a fucking day, for a week." I grabbed my hair, "How am I going to live?!"

She laughed again, "You look like you did when you first met me."

"......" Confusion shot through me, "What?"

"You don't remember bumping into me on the street?" I shook my head and she laughed harder, "God you must have really been out there then!"

I glared, "It's not my fault." She stopped laughing and smirked.

"Then whose fault is it, really?"

........, "Jeff's. Everything is his fault, even if it isn't, it is." I crossed my arms with a sly smile.

She smiled, "I agree with you on that one."

It was silent until Jane broke it, "So how are you with Mr. Fuckface?"

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