Chapter 6: Good News or Bad News?

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"I'm sorry Jeff! I wont do it again! Just let me out of here!" I begged again. Jeff watched me from the farthest corner smirking.

"Jeff!" I whined. I can't just sit here and rot! And I'm not going to!

"GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE YOU PUSSY!" I yelled. Jeff looked taken back by my sudden outburst, but collected his cool.

"Why don't you came and make me then?" I yelled in frustration at his stupid remark.

"Let me out of here and I'll take you on." I smirked watching him freeze and think about it.

"If you can brake those chains that are holding you, then I'll take you on."


"Don't call me names-"

"Or what?" I asked spitting a little.

"Or I'll kill you."

"Do it then. I dare you." He looked up from his knife that he had pulled out during my fit.


"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your stupidness." I know it sounds childish, but it works on him.

"Shut the fuck up, slut." I shut up after that. Waiting for Jack to come back into the lab.

The sudden thought of Ben came to mind. He's been hanging around. And I hate it.


"Can she stay in my room? I'll take good care of her." He winked at me as they chained me to the wall.

"Hell no. You'll end up raping her." Jeff shot.

"It's not rape if she likes it." I gagged.

"So what? Your just gonna have sex with her and give her back? That sounds like a plan!" Jeff said sarcastically.

"Nah. I'll keep her. Take her off your hands, you'll be free to use her whenever you want. But I'll be too busy f-"

"Shut up player." I said. He laughed.

"I'm not a player."

"Then what the fuck are you?" I looked up as Jack looked down to admire his work on the chains.

"Uh isn't it obvious? I'm your future boyfriend." He winked once again.

I laughed, "No, you not. But your also not a player, you my friend, are a man whore."

He hid the anger that was rising in him, "I'll be leaving now, I'll be back soon enough, my love." He blew me a kiss, making me gag.


So that happened.


I jumped to the sound of loud racket. I looked over at Jeff, who was whispering to Jack. I sighed.

So my torture finally begins.

"Okay. You ready for this Jennifer?" Jack asked in a deep tone.

I nodded, which made Jack chuckle, "I said... Are you ready for this?"

I sighed, "Yes, I am."

"You know what you did wrong, correct?"


"And we can't have that happening again, can we?" He said walking to me.

I took a short breath in as he touched my face with his gray tinted fingers, "No."

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