Chapter 16: Butterfly Kisses

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"Dammit Jenny. Why'd you have to go punch me in the face?" Jeff whined as he grabbed an icepack from the freezer.

I glared, "Maybe from now on, you shouldn't say those kind of things to me."

He returned the glare, "Maybe you should just take the joke."

"Fuck you."

He ignored me and placed the frozen pack of frozen peas on his face.

"But seriously. How the fuck do you punch so hard?" I walked over to the counter, jumping atop, and shrugged.

"I honestly don't know. I can only hit hard when I'm either upset or angry as fuck."

He looks at me, before speaking again.

"You should probably go to bed. It's late." He mumbled.

Glancing at the stove and sighing. "Its only 11:15. I can live."

"Yeah well we have to get up early. So," He came over and patted my head, "Go to sleep."

A ringing went through my head.


"Go lay down. You're probably tired." A light shade of pink colored his paper white cheeks.

"I told you Jeff. I'm fine." I say with a shrug.

"Go." His voice dropping low, scaring me once more.

It didn't take long for me race up to our bedroom. Not even caring if I fell flat on my face.

A sudden thought made me stop dead in my tracks.

Was he just-

Blushing right now?


"Wake up. C'mon already." I heard Jeff's voice complain.

Does he really have to wake me up so early? I just want to sleep.

Hmmm. Sleep.

"It sounds so good." I mumbled and pushing my head further into the feather filled pillow.

I felt toned arms wrap themselves around me, throwing me over their shoulders. "Jeff, put me down."

He chuckled darkly, "Not happening sunshine. You're just gonna have to deal with it."

Something in me snapped. My elbow made itself crash into the back of Jeff's head, making him groan in pain. He set me down and glared at me.



"What the fuck Jennifer?"

A noise echoed off the walls of the spacious room. And suddenly, I was pinned to the wall, both of Jeff's hands on both sides of my head.

I didn't feel any pain. Which was clearly odd.

But what my voice sounded like scared me most. "What the fuck do you want?" My voice sounded as equal to a demon than anything else.

Jeff's eyes widened larger and larger. "Are you feeling okay?"

I glared, "I could feel alot better if you would take a step back."

He took a step back, but only a few inches away. He's probably worried about my health still.

"Children, come down now. We have important matters to discuss." Slender's voice boomed along with loud static. Thank god. Right on time, as always.

I silently thanked Slender as I smirked at Jeff, walking past him towards the door.


"WHAT?!" Jane screamed at a laughing L.J.

"Slender's orders sweetheart. Hahahaha." Everyone was yelling by the time Jeff and I arrived.

It's as if hell just unleashed itself down here. The only people that weren't screaming were Jeff, L.J., Sally, E.J., me and The Proxies.

Jeff automatically went on alert, asking what was happening. Jane spotted me and filled me on the terrible news.

"Slender isn't allowing us to step a foot out of the mansion." My eyebrows pushed together.

"Why?" I simply ask.

As if on cue, Slenderman telaported by the darkened hallway. "Calm down, Children." He rased his hands in the air to silence the angry residents. "I will explain why I have made this dicition." He waits for the voices to completely fade away. "The Proxies have just notified me of the rakes appearance." Everyone gasped.

Leaving me completely dumbfounded.

Questions were bouncing around the room.

"Does that mean that Zalgo will be coming after us again?" Clockwork asked with a growl.

Slenders head shot towards her, "I'm afraid so." Everyone shouted and growled and pushed more questions.

"What if we can't hold him off this time?" Jane yelled, "If you hadn't remembered right, we barely defeated him last time! He's obviously gotten stronger sense then!"

Everyone agreed with her.

"Fear not my Children. All we need is a bit training and we'll be just as powerful as him." This time, Jeff opened his mouth.

"Did you not just fucking hear her right? We don't have fucking fifty tenticals crawling out of our backs. We're going to need alot more power to defeat him. Not to mention better weapons. And sense we're not able to set foot outside, how are we going to train? How the fuck are we going to win this one Slender?" Jeff's voice echoed.

Slender soaked in his words.

I just sat there watching the movie before me. I wish I had popcorn. That would make it perfect.

"Have you forgotten about something?" Slender's hand stretched out to my direction, "We do have a new member of our family. She could become very useful in this situation."

I choked on my spit as all eyes were pointed my way.

People laughed.

"What the fuck is she -a human- going to be able to do against Zalgo's Army?" Liu growled.

As soon as the words left Slender's not existent mouth, everyone looked at me weirdly.

"She is not human."

It was dead silent in the air. The tension wasn't making it any better.

"Ehh... What exactly am I able to do? I'm not strong like all of them. I won't last a second out there." I asked frantically.

E.J. was the first to answer. "Your healing ability is extrodinary. If I were to inject with just enough of the same drug that toughened your skin, we could get your muscles to strengthen instead of just your skin. It may be a working progress, but it would be worth it during the battle." You could literally feel the mood change.

Until I just had to screech: "NEEDLES?! NO FUCKING WAY!"

Alot of people groaned with frustrasion.

Jane whispered in my ears, "You would be the hero around here ya know. If you don't do this, alot of us could die out there. Just please help us out this once?" I felt pain rise up in my chest.

If I didn't do this... Their family would be torn. They would loose their happiness. They would loose their family.

I nodded. "I'll do anything. As long as I'm able to help, I'm up for anything." There's a small part of me that's terrified to have drugs injected in me once more, but the other part was ready. Ready to help my friends family.

Hopeful laughter and high fives were casted throughout the living room.

I will help.

I have to.

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