Chapter 9: Yelling the Secrets

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There is one man that I hate more than myself. Jeff, or Jeff the Killer.

Jeff and I stopped at the end of the hallway that he was leading me through.

"Are you gonna tell me why you were doing drugs?" He trapped me behind his sturdy arms, "Or will I have to force it outta you?"

"Oh my fucking gosh, I told you Jeff! It's none ya damn business! I can do what I want bitch!" His face twisted with anger and amusement.

"You know what happens when you hang out with Ben?" His voice was twirling with disgust.

I didn't move or speak. I don't want to hear what he's about to say.

"You will fall under his little charm, and he will use you. He will use you up until he's out of energy and is done. Then what do you think happens after that?" His eyes were looking at me with an intense amount of anger, "He kills you. He kills you in any way possible. Mentally or Physically. He will haunt you, play with you. You don't want that! So dammit stop urging him on!" He yelled in my face.


That's all I could produce from me.

Tears, that gently flowed down my face. They were hot with rage, but had a tint of coolness filled with grief.

"Why are you crying?" Jeffs voice was a little more gentle. He spoke it carefully.

I shook my head, "I just wanted to escape."

I my vision blurs as tears continuesly falls from my eyes.

His breath hitches, as he takes in a shaky breath. He opens his mouth to say something, but quickly shuts it.

"I-I'm sorry Jeff. I didn't mean to upset you." I begin to sob, choking on air now and again.

"Don't apologize. It's pathetic." His voice cracked, making me snap my head up.

"I didn't realize I was being like that. My bad, Jennifer." His voice changed to angry and upset, to apologetic and depressed.

"Ha, believe it or not, I wanted to, too." He looks down at our feet.

My tears had finally stopped rolling down my face, "Why? You seem...." I was going to say happy, but ever sense I've met him, he's been irritated and angry. There's not once that I'd seen him smile a real smile.

"Do you want to know a secret of Ben's?" My eyes flicker to his eyes.

"He got addicted to drugs because of me." He chuckled.

"You used to smoke?" He nodded.

"I used to smoke one after another. I felt like this was the only way to escape this world, and be in one where I could be alone." He looked up to meet my eyes, "But I finally realized, that I was still in this twisted world no matter what. So I began to smoke even more. It wasn't long before I noticed that it wasn't helping any." His voice was filled with nostalgia.

"I wish I could have changed my way of thinking at the time. But, I still ended up the way I was today." He chuckled, "Were was I going with this? Oh, yeah, don't do drugs."

I had a strong urge to punch him square in the face, but I felt a little bad for him.

I felt my face burn as a blush appeared on my cheeks, "Why are you standing so close? I'm fine."

He stepped backwards in one big step, giving us alittle room apart.

"I used to be addicted to drugs too. But it was only for fun. I liked the way it made me feel." Why am I telling this to him? "Hell, I was so addicted, that I stole my mom's money to pay for the shit." Hatred flew through me as I spoke, "Mom found out and put me in fucking rehab. I stayed in there my entire summer break, in my freshman year."

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