Chapter 25: Word's Hurt No Matter What

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I stayed with Jennifer's motionless body for a few days now. Slender would give me my meals and I would eat them as I watched for any signs of her coming back. I stayed calm, just like Jenny would want me to. And I watched. But I needed to go for a... Run. Because the fact that I haven't killed for about 2 weeks is starting to make me go insane.

Just thinking about watching my knife pierce through peoples skin makes me shiver.

"Yo." A voice rang through the empty room. I rolled my eyes and turned around to meet Jane's figure standing in the doorway. I growled and turned back to Jennifer. I heard a sigh. "Look, we all are missing Jenny, okay? It's just... you watching her like this is starting to creep me out. We have bigger problems right now. If you don't remember, Zalgo has been letting his minions run wild in Slender's forest lately."

"I don't give two fucks. I'll stay with her, even when she wakes up. No one can stop me either. So go run wild with Clockwork or something." I spat, not taking my eyes off of Jenny's beautiful figure. I heard a huff and heels clicking against the floor. It slowly became distant.

Once it did, I saw a twitch. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. Her eyebrows twitched and her hand rose to her head. I didn't want to scare her, so I decided to keep my mouth shut. She began to prop herself up with her elbow, but she still kept her eyes shut.

"J-Jeff?" Her voice was scratchy. I hurried and grabbed the water bottle I was drinking earlier. When I turned back to her, her eyes were staring straight at me. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, "Water?"

What the fuck? Why the fuck would... Seriously? The first thing I say is WATER? Oh, here sweet cheeks, I'll just say water while you stare at me with a confused look.

"Th...anks." She grabbed the water bottle. Her movements were very slow and shakey.

I honestly wanted to jump up in joy, but I would look like a total fucking retard. I watched her drink the water quickly.

She didn't look as happy as I thought she would be. Honestly, I thought she was going to jump into my arms like she usually does. But she barely looked at me. Maybe it's just me.

"You can hear clearly, right?" She looked at me carefully, then nodded.

I nodded awkwardly, "Good, I guess I should get everyone else-" She grabbed my hand as I was getting up. Tears were in her eyes, making them shine. I melted a bit looking at her.

"Just wait a bit more, please." That sounded familiar... But I can't put my finger on it. I sat back down slowly, not wanting to upset her.

We waited in a long silence. It didn't feel right. I want to see her smile like she used to.

She pulled me closer suddenly, making me fall on her. I tried to hurry and get up but she held me down and whispered in my ear. "Jeff," I fell limp on her. She wrapped both of her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Jeff... Y-You..." I tensed.

I ripped from her grip and frowned, "What are you talking about? What happened Jennifer?" She looked at me with her face scrunched up with grief, tears rolling down her face. She dropped her hands down and cried harder and harder. "You killed my family."

At that moment, everything went fuzzy. "You know this already, Jenny-"

"You're hiding something from me!" She yelped and tried to shove my off of her. I growled at her attempt to push me. "What is wrong with you Jenny?"

"Why won't you tell me-"

"Tell you wha-"

She flipped us, making me go under her legs. This would've been hot at another time...


Slender teleported into the room and pulled her off me. Before she was out of my reach, she looked at me and growled."I hate you."

My mind went blank. First she's mad at me, second, what the actual fuck. Is it just me or is she mad at me for letting her younger sister live?

"She'll be fine. I'll take her to Jack to be tested, I'll question her a bit, then she's all yours Jeffery." I snarled. "My name isn't Jeffery. It's Jeff. The. Fucking. Killer."

He turned to me, "Behave yourself," He said before leaving. "I'll do whatever the hell I want, fuckin' white alien."

He didn't come back to scold me, so I sat there alone in a small room, thinking about what just happened.

"I hate you."

Whoa. Those words hurt a lot more than they usually do. I hear them all the time. But why does it hurt so fucking bad when I hear it from her?

You love her you fucking idiot.

I feel like shit.

The thing is, I let her sister live. Shouldn't she be happy about that? But instead she's screaming at me. I could've just killed everyone, even her. But I couldn't bring myself to kill Jenny. And I couldn't bring myself to kill her sister.

The way she looked at me when I brought the knife to her neck. It was pure fear. The same way Jenny looked at me the first time we met. She still fought, but as she did, she cried. And it reminded me of Jennifer. So I locked her in her closet while I killed the rest of the family. Her mother and brother. I couldn't kill Jennifer, so, I kidnapped her and left her sister there.

I was being nice to her. I could've just killed them both on the spot, but I didn't. I left them alone. Well, Jennifer's younger sister, alone.

She could be happy that she's alive and most likely doing well. It's not like I made the kid watch me murder her mom and bub.

I think that's as nice as I'm going to get. I can't do any better. And if she thinks she can go back to her old life, she has another thing coming. After meeting me, my family, and her fucking cousin or whatever the hell he is to her, she's not going to be able to adapt back to that life. Plus, the mice will be looking around for her still. Someone see's her face, she's fucked.

So why can't she be fucking happy?!

I raised myself from the mattress and sniffed the air. Something smells.

It's not a bad sent, but it's definitely not food. The sudden thought came to mind and I yelled the words we all weren't ready for.


Ayyyyye, it's been a while. How are my fellow weirdlo's? I misseded you guys! I haven't really been writing much because school started... And because I'm super fucking lazy, and some drama has been stressing me the fuck out.

Buttt ----> I finished another chapter. I'm thinking about just doing a few more chapters, then ending the book. I might do a sequel, but I'm not sure yet. So tell me what you guys think down in the comments.

Also, just a heads up, I started another Wattpad profile-- I'm still going to use this one -- But the other one is for more.... Realistic stories. Get whaat I'm sayin'?

Well, Guess that's it. Until next time, my fellow weirdlo~


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