Chapter 21: Filling In the Sadness

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"Is there anything wrong with her? If there is, I'll kill whoever did it to her." I heard Jeff's voice mumble to E.J.

I heard a sigh, "There's nothing physically wrong with her." He turned his head to me. "Mentally on the other hand..."

A giggle escaped my lips and I lightly rocked myself back and forth, mumbling random things. Jeff looked at me with a sad look. "She'll be okay, right?" Jack stopped what he was doing and looked at Jeff.

J E F F ' S  P . O . V

E.J. looked at me and sat there silently. My heart twitched when he looked down and shrugged. "I'm not sure Jeff. She must have seen something seriously graphic when she was out. It could've triggered something in her, or she could've had something happen to her. I don't really know right now. All I know right now is that she's slightly unstable." He turned back to the counter filled with different medicines he's been making for the past hour for Jenny.

I looked at Jennifer. She was crying still, but instead of sobs coming out, she giggled. It wasn't the giggle I've grown used to. It was a... sad and crazy giggle. It doesn't fit her.  My dead heart fluttered when her eyes slowly rose up from the ground and looked at me with crocodile tears. "J-Jeff...?" She reached out for me, and let a few tears slip down her face.

Before I could react, an ear piercing scream echoed off the walls. My lips parted as my unblinking eyes widened even more than I though was possible. "JEFF! JANE! SLENDER! PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME! AHHHH! LET GO OF ME! I WONT GO BACK! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I raced for her and hugged her tightly and tried to talk to her.

She slapped and kicked, and the straps that were holding her wings down were struggling to keep them in place. "It's okay Jenny. I'm here! Look, I'm right here! Nothing's touching you but me!" She screamed again.

E.J. rushed in and analyzed the scene before grabbing a needle thingy. Her screams soon went quiet and she fell asleep in my arms. I glared at E.J., "What the hell was that?"

"Don't look at me like that. She was going to end up hurting herself. We just need to keep her asleep for a while, just until she calms down." He searched her face for a few seconds then spoke again. "It's most likely she ran into someone."

A growl broke the quietness, "Do you think it was Zalgo?" He shook his head. Grabbing a rolling chair, he sat down next to Jenny and me. "She wouldn't be alive if she ran into Zalgo. As soon as he would've spotted her, he would've killed her out of impulse. It had to be someone else."

I groaned in frustration, "I don't like puzzle's Jack! Tell me who the fuck did this to her!" He was taken back by my sudden outburst, but he nodded and continued.

"I was doing some research with Slender and The Proxies, and we found something unusually useful." He intertwined his fingers together and laid them on the back of his head. "Slender found a part of Zalgo's history. Turn's out he has a brother named Blaecleah." My eyebrows rise up. "That's not all. Remember Jennifer saying something about a 'Sister Mei'?" I nodded. "Yeah well, she was Zalgo and Blaecleah's younger cousin. Once Mei inherited her wings, she would have to marry one of the brothers." He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "Thing is... Mei died in a fire... And sense there was another sister involved-"

"Wait! Are you saying..."

He nodded, "Whoever got their hands on Jennifer first, was going to claim her for their own. Making them ruler of both Hell and the Underworld."

I looked down at Jennifer's peaceful sleeping figure.

I won't let you slip through my fingers again. Not this time.

"Jack. Gather everyone in the mansion for a family meeting." My dark eyes never left Jennifer's face.

"What fo-"

"NOW." I spat towards him, turning my deadly gaze to him. Insanity clicked in me like a light switch. I'm not going to let Jenny suffer. I won't allow anyone to touch her.

Anyone who tries-

I sat her head down on the pillow and raced out the door, following E.J.

Will die on the spot.


"What is it Jeff? Don't you think it's a bit late for this?" I growled at Slender and looked at everyone who sat around half asleep in the living room. I glared at Slender before speaking oddly loudly. "Zalgo and his army isn't coming alone this year."

Everyone woke up immediately and starting whispering things. "His brother Blaecleah will be at his side." L.J.'s mood changed, making even some of the others shiver. "Oh?" My eyes wondered over to him and I frowned slightly.

"Do you know something I need to know, L.J.?" A frown curled up on his face and he crossed his arms.

"He's obviously coming after something then. I'm guessing it's Jennifer? Ever sense she came back, I've smelt him all over her. It's almost to the point where it's intoxicating." He looked down at me. "I say we give her to them. With the twins fighting together... There's no way we'll win-"

My hands wrapped around his neck and I squeezed tightly. He couldn't hold both of us up, so he fell backwards with me landing on top of him. My eyes were targeted on him, making the deadliest look I've ever made towards anyone, "That's out of the question. We're going to fight for her. And we're not going to give her up!" I spat in his face. His eyes were filled with shock.

I didn't realize it, but I was shaking him violently as I yelled in his face. I let out a breath and let go of him, standing up, I straightened my posture and looked around. All eye's were on me.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GET READY TO FIGHT!" They all jumped at the sudden burst of sound. My throat is surely going to be sore later. E.J. set a hand on my shoulder and nodded. "We'll try everything in our power, Jeff. But I'm going to tell this to you now. We're overpowered by a lot. They're is a chance some of us wont make it."

I gulped. I might lose some of my family members. But if we don't do this... It's either all of us and Jennifer. I wouldn't be able to ever forgive myself if something happened to her. "Thank you, guys. Really." Everyone smiled at me with bright smiles.

Something in my heart twitched.

Maybe this is what it feels like to be happy.

So?? Like or Hike? Sorry about how bad it is.. I feel like it's a bit rushed but... it's still a chapter. Whoo!

Anywho!! How are my fellow weirdlo's? I misseded you guys! It feels fantabulous when people actually enjoy my stuff, even tho I'm extremely fucked up. So... Tharnk you guys!!

Well, guess this is farewell for now my fellow weirdlo~ Until next time.


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