2: Waiting and the Wink

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I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, making sure I looked okay. I decided to wear my new outfit, considering I didn't have to be dressed too smart and I wanted to be comfy. My hair was curled and my make up was subtle yet helped highlight my eyes, which were a bright green. I picked up my leather jacket, pushed the fedora slightly so it sat firmly on my hair and then dashed out, locking the door behind me and slipping the keys into my pocket. A tube ride later and I was standing in the bustling body of Leicester Square, which was crowded with a sea of fans. Lights were flashing, screams interrupting the cold night, and bodies were pressed together like sardines in a can. for a minute I was frozen, unsure of what to do. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and answered the call, having to hold it firmly to my ear to hear Tasha's voice.
"I'm at the front of the barrier by the door," she screamed into my ear, "push through!"

It took me a good seven minutes of pushing, apologising and dodging until I finally squeezed next to Tasha, who had straightened her golden hair so it shone in all the light, and was wearing a pair of high waisted light blue jeans with a white long sleeved shirt. It was so unfair that she had to do very little to look so effortlessly good. We tried to have a conversation, but was interrupted by a loud yet familiar voice echoing through the crowd.
"HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" The happy voice of Jim Chapman rang through the square, and the crowd went crazy for the tall yet adorable man standing in the middle of the red carpet, wearing a suit and a long coat, his brown hair perfectly styled, his familiar smile dazzling everyone.
"Welcome to the 'Joe and Caspar Hit The Road' premiere!"
The square was hit with a wall of screams, and Jim's words were barely heard as he shouted, "without further ado, please welcome the stars of the movie; CASPAR LEE AND JOE SUGG!"

My ears were ringing but I didn't care, I was leaning over the barrier to get a glimpse of the two famous boys. I saw the camper van driving down the red carpet, before the door opened. The crowd roared. Two men jumped out of the van, smiling and waving. One was tall and thin, with blond hair and a handsome chubby cheeked face, a big cheeky smile and a laugh that could be heard from miles away. The other was shorter, his hair stiled in his signature messy quiff. Although he was skinny too, the dark blue suit hugged his arms slightly, showing the slight bulge of muscles as he waved to the screaming on lookers. His smile was wide and perfect, and even though I was 18 years old and much more sensible than that, I couldn't help but feel a little light headed as Joseph Graham Sugg started walking towards our direction, taking photos with fans and thanking them for being here. He passed us and smiled his famous smile at me, giving a small wink before walking through the doors to the building, Caspar following him, occasionally stopping to high five people or talk to his friends who were on the carpet with him. They all went inside, and the doors shut, leaving the screaming fans out in the cold, begging and screaming for more. I just stood there, shivering slightly in my jacket, unsure if that had just happened or not.


That's chapter 2!
I wished I had gone to the premiere but I live to far away 😥
Hope you liked the chapter, please vote comment and all that.
Talk Later 💁

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