4: Kidnapped by a Wannabe Ashton Irwin?

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that this was not my room. A headache was also the first thing to greet me this morning, and I couldn't help but swear. I slowly sat up, and then I realised that this definitely wasn't my room. For one thing, I wasn't a big fan of Mcfly or 5 Seconds Of Summer so I definitely didn't have posters of the two bands dominating my walls. Secondly, I couldn't play the drums, so the drum kit that was sat in the corner wasn't mine. And finally, as I turned, I noticed that there was someone sat in the armchair in the corner, sleeping silently.

Where the hell was I? Who's room was this? Did we hook up? I quickly checked and I realised that I still had my suit on, except my shoes, which were tucked neatly by the door. Trying not to wake the slumbering girl in the chair, I quickly pulled out my phone and called Caspar. He answered a minute later.
"HAPPY LAUNCH DAY BUDDY!" He screamed, and I nearly fell off the bed he was so loud.
"Yea whatever man listen, I think I've been kidnapped."
"What?" Caspar giggled.
"Well I'm in someone's room, but I didn't sleep with them because all of my clothes are still on, so I must've been kidnapped."
Caspar laughed, and I rolled my eyes as I realised how stupid I sounded.
"Why are you there if you didn't sleep with the person?"
"I dunno dude!" I snapped "I just have no idea where I am and I don't have keys to the flat."
"Well I didn't see you go off with any girl last night, so I have no idea who you are with," Caspar said, and a wave of cold fear washed over me.
"Caspar," I whined "Help me!"
"Well what do you want me to do?"
"I don't know!" I sighed and the figure stirred slightly, and I felt my throat clench up slightly. "You have to get me out of here."
I heard Caspar whisper to someone at the apartment and a shout of laughter that I recognised as Oli's.
"Oh shut up Oli!" I muttered,and after a slight scuffle Oli came onto the phone.
"Alright there Sugg?"
Honestly my friends could be absolute dicks.
"No I'm not Oli," I snapped, and winced as a sharp prick of pain shot through my head. I groaned before talking through gritted teeth
"I swear  Oli if you and Caspar don't help me then I will shove a cactus up where the sun don't shine!"
"Shut up Mary!" Someone murmured, and my head whipped around to the voice.

The bundle of body parts in the corner had sat up and had wiped her eyes, and I realised that she was a lot different then what I would of expected her to be. She had a plump face with tanned skin, and dark hair that fell down to her armpits. Her eyes were large and a piercing green, and she reminded me an awful lot like Mila Kunis. I hung up on the giggling Oli and jumped onto the other side of the bed. After a while the girl blinked and frowned at me.
"You're not Mary."
I rolled my eyes. "Well done Sherlock. Please could you kindly tell me where the hell I am?"
"You were drunk last night and threw up so I brought you back to my house because I don't know where your apartment is." the girl snapped, before being interrupted by a knock on the door.
" Robin?"
Crap. We both looked at each other and before I could say anything I was pushed off the bed.
"What the hell was that for?" I whined.
"Shut the hell up," hissed the girl, Who I now knew was called Robin, before climbing into the bed, just as the door opened.
"Robin you're gonna be late for college," a voice said.
"Sorry I overslept," Robin replied.
"Who were you talking to?" The other asked, and I tensed quickly, trying not to breath even though I really needed to sneeze.
"No one Mary," Robin sighed "I'll be out in a minute."
"Why have you got a pair or men's dress shoes?" The voice asked, and my skin started to crawl. I had completely forgotten that I had my shoes taken off.
" They're for a photography project." Robin calmly replied, and I was surprised how easily she found it to lie on the spot. Normally I would of panicked and said the first thing that came to my head. The sister seemed to believe the lie, because seconds later I heard the door close and instantly I sneezed, causing my head to ring and my nose to tingle. Robin by this point had got back out of bed and was looking through her draws, pulling out jeans and a jumper. She quickly pulled off her dungarees and slipped on the jeans, but not before showing her long tanned legs.
"You need to get out of here Sugg," she ordered, and I couldn't agree more. All I wanted was to be back in my bed with my laptop and maybe a bar of chocolate, not lying on the floor of some wannabe Ashton Irwin bedroom. I jumped over the bed and pulled on my shoes, before noticing that I couldn't find my tie. I felt a pair of hands near my head, and turned to see the mystery girl untying my tie from around my head, smiling slightly. I thanked her and we quietly slipped out of the room, feeling like spies in a enemy fortress. Once we had ran out into the pale September sun, I turned to her.
"Thanks for looking after me" I mumbled and she gave me a bright smile and a eye roll.
"You needed it Sugg."
"How do you know who I am?"
She had already turned at this point, but looked back, before shrugging and saying "I watch your videos. Oh and last night you said I looked like Mila Kunis and ran into a dustbin, but I'll keep that between us."

And with a small wave, she darted off, leaving me alone in the street with my shoes in my hand and a slight blush invading my cheeks.

Hope you enjoyed it!
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