6: 5 Minutes

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I was happily sleeping when Caspar rudely woke me up by sitting on my head.
"piss OFF!!" I screamed, swatting the giggling South African as he ran out the door. I looked at the clock at saw that it was 1:13, yet I still felt the heavy cloud of pain fogging my brain slightly. I groaned and ran my hands through my sticky hair, Gagging slightly when I smelt the stale pile and beer on my skin. I jumped into the shower and massaged my scalp with shampoo, allowing my mind to drift away from my familiar surroundings.

Who was the girl from last night? I had never seen her before, and with a name like Robin he would defiantly remember. I mean seriously, why was she named after a character from How I met Your Mother?
And he had said she looked like Mila Kunis. Even though the water was hot, I could feel my cheeks heat up. She had been really pretty, with long brown hair and big eyes, but she had been rude and pushed me off her bed, which had really hurt by the way.

"I'll just have to forget about her," I said to myself, turning off the shower an dw rapping a towel around my waist "it's not like I'm going to see her again anyway."
"JOE!" Caspar screeched from upstairs as I was getting changed.
"YEA?" I called, trying to get my leg into a pair of grey comfies but loosing my balance and stubbing my toe. Wow It hurt.
Of course Caspar would forget to film his video.
"FINE!" I called, groaning slightly, seeing my Barnet in the mirror and grabbing the first hat that I found, and cramming my dark hair underneath it.
I grabbed my keys and phone and shoved my phone in my pocket before slamming the door behind me and walking down to the tube station, music blaring through my ears. I kept my eyes low and fiddled with the sleeves of my jumper, not wanting anyone to recognise me. Even though it was during school time you would be surprised of the amount of teenage fans are skulking around London skipping school.

After weaving around crowds of suited citizens I finally arrived at the familiar restaurant, it's warm smell of spices and pine wood decorations feels oddly comforting, and I instantly felt relaxed here. For once it was quiet int the restaurant, only a few people say at tables with food, either on dates or with friends. I queued up and waited for my food, fiddling with my hat as a piece of loose hair was tickling my forehead. I minute later I was met with a wide smile member of staff.
"Take out order for Lee please," I asked, and the girl nodded and walked away. Bored, my eyes started investigating the space around me, noticing the small things like the stain on the tilled floor, how the menus were messily piled on a empty table, and how one of the waitresses was staring at me. At first I thought it was just a fan, someone who recognised me, and instantly got ready to have someone squealing in my face. That was, before I realised that I recognised that girl.

My eyes went wide and I instantly regretting leaving the comfort of my bed. For the Girl, although with her hair tied back and no makeup on her face, was most defiantly Robin, the girl who had rescued me that very day. She was dressed In All black, her hair pulled up into a Messy ponytail, her mouth wide open and eyes big and round. She looked a bit like a fish out of water and I couldn't help but laugh. This obviously caused her to break out of her spell, because she came running up to me, blushing slightly.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She growled through gritted teeth. I couldn't help but smile, reminding me of how Zoe would do that Same thing when we were children and I would annoy her, which meant I knew exactly how to annoy her.
"Well it's a free country isn't it?" I replied, trying to look innocent " I'm just a loyal customer to the Nandos food chain." This then cause another eye roll, before I heard someone call my name and I received the giant brown paper bag, flashing her another bright smile which I knew made the girls blush. Like I predicted, the girl behind the counter flushed a light shade of pink and giggled, and with one more wink I turned back to a scowling Robin.
"You wanna eat lunch with me?" I asked, suddenly feeling very nervous.
"I'm working Joe," she sighed, and started to turn away.
"Just 5 minutes?" I called. She turned back and I pulled my wide eyed innocent face, the face I would pull if I wanted to sweet talk my mum into babying me and not Zoe. And it obviously must work with all women, because Robin sighed and smiled slightly, leading me to a booth in the corner of the restaurant, grabbing plates and glasses along the way. I slid into the booth and realised that Caspar was expecting me home. I'm sure however he would understand when I tell him. Thanks goodness that we both liked the same stuff.

"You're not vegetarian are you?" I suddenly asked as I handed her two chicken wraps, and she laughed a laugh full of happiness.
" I work in a restaurant surrounded by chicken," she giggled, taking a chip and popping it into her mouth "so no, I'm not a vegetarian."
The girl was sarcastic.

I liked it.

"So," I asked taking a bite of my chicken and stopping myself from moaning with delight as the familiar concoction of spices exploded in my mouth "how did you find yourself at the premiere to my Movie?"
"My best mates dad runs the after parties, and he was able to get both of in. It was my birthday after all, so I deserved to start my adult life in the best way I possibly could."
"Understandable," I nodded, reaching up and taking off my hat, letting my hair fall around my face and cool air to hit my scalp. That was then I realised that my Barnet had been untamed since last night, and could feel myself blushing as Robin burst into another fit of giggles.
"Shut up!" I whined throwing a chip at her, hitting her food filled cheek and leaving a smear of ketchup on her cheek. I tried to tame my hair but I wouldn't get it to work, and Robin reached out and ruffled it even more, making it untameable. I groaned and fought off Robins hands, and she laughed and squirmed trying to get away.
"Robin?" Someone called, and a short guys came around the corner wearing the Nandos shirt, and raised his eyebrows when he saw her leaning over the table slightly with ketchup on her cheek. "There you are. We need a waiter at table 13, so could you maybe......um...."
"Sure Max," she smiled, and he walked away. She turned back and groaned." Gotta go."
"But you only stayed for 5 minutes!"
"And that was all the time I was going to give you," she called, before winking and walking off to another table, a small smile sketched on her face.

Damn this girl left me on a cliff hanger.


There probably isn't anyone reading this but oh well.
Bit of a long chapter, and I know that they didn't talk for long but I have big plans BIG PLANS!! So hopefully those will start to be revealed In the next couple of chapters.
Hope you are enjoying it, please comment and vote and all that and I'll have the next chapter up soon. ✨💁

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