41:Calls across the Ocean.

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"HELLO NEW YORK!" Giulietta yelled, being the image of Hannah Montana from the movie, opening the curtains to our hotel room. The view showed it's glory despite the clouds hanging around the sky scrapers. Yet I could feel the buzz of life, and i felt my brain tingle with excitement. Travelling for two weeks had involved very little sleep, a lot of alcohol and some of the best times of my life. Last week Calum, Isabella and I went to target and two in the morning whilst we were still  jet lagged and bought six tubs of Ben and Jerry's and had shopping cart races all around the car park. I've used up three memory cards not only on shots but also  on others too. Group shots. Beautiful sunsets. A LOT of food. And all of these I sent to Joe. I missed him so much, his laugh and stupid jokes and beanies. Geg always made jokes about this, but I know that she loves us really. And he always replied, weather it was a joke or a whiny paragraph of how he missed me or just a simple emoji, I knew he was there. Cheesy I know, but leave me alone.

"Twat," Isabella sighed, throwing a pillow at her twins back. It missed. I sat up and tugged at my jumper, feeling it brush at my knees and I joined her at the window. The world seemed to fall away, smudged like paint from the rain on the window. Condensation grew as I breathed on the glass, trying to swallow down the nerves. Today was a really important day for all of us. Today the show was at Madison Square Garden, with press conferences, promotions for new songs and double the amount of photos to take. Jon has already given me my daily list of shots and Oh my God it is huge. And HARD. Some shots I'd never done before. But Jon had hinted of a future working with him after this, so I have to prove to him that I have what it takes. I've just got to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach.


"Hell yea!" Geg laughed, Isabella already  hooking the phone off it's cradle. I picked up the remote and clicked on the TV. I felt lethargic. If Jack was here hew would of made me get up and probably just dragged me out to make me do something.

I haven't talked to Jack in a while now that I'm thinking about it. Since Joe and I became a thing Jack and I still hung out, but a part of the big group. That didn't bother me at the time but I now realized that I'd kind of neglected him. I walked into the bathroom  and closed the door behind me. It was nearly four in the morning back in England, yet I still Dialed his number. It rang for a while. Just when I thought it was a lost cause, a cheerful voice answered.

"Hey Robin!"

"Jack why are you up?" I laughed, sitting down on the toilet.

"Why are you calling me at this time?" he counter argued.

"Because to be honest I was thinking about you and Can't a girl, who's missing her friend, call him up so she can talk to him?"

"Well, considering you're missing me I'll forgive you.," He replied, and I could hear him smiling. "So," I asked, "What are you doing up?"

Silence. There was no reply. I checked the service, but it was still there. I called his name and he coughed. He was still there. What was wrong with him?

"The past few weeks have just been a little difficult."


"I've just had a lot of stress with work, and just been working late nights."

"And that's it?"


"I don't believe you Jack," I sighed, pushing my hair back stress fully. His voice said other wise, because there wasn't any humor, no laughter. "Tell me?"

He sighed. "I just have been having personal problems that only I can sort. I just didn't want to tell you because you're stressed out."

"I'm not stressed."

"Of course you are."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Oh yea," he chuckled, and I laughed and relaxed slightly. He sounded himself. We talked for a while, about London and America, friends and just catching up. I even got to talk to Connor because we woke him up from laughing. Needless to say, he wasn't impress, and Made me promise that I'd buy him a rainbow bagel and post it to him.

Waffles arrived and I said goodbye, and quickly ate some food. Geg was whining, Isabella was taking selfies and I was panicking. Of course I was panicking, I'm me. The time came when I was leaving, and as I walked into the elevator I felt my phone buzzing. I smiled when I realized it was Joe.

Don't crap yourself, you got this. Skype me as soon as you're done. You have no excuse because you called Jack and I'm needy. Miss ya x

And with those words in mind, I pressed the doors closed.


so this chapter is bad. Its a filler, not even a good one. But I didn't want to go drama drama drama because then the drama isn't as good you know what I'm sayin? This is also not as detailed because I'M WORKING ON NEW STUFF!! YAYAYYAY! I'm working on my new Joe fan-fiction which I love the idea it's going to be so good. My friend Sophie and I are working on a Mortal Instruments fan-fiction which again I am super excited for, it's going to be so good because Sophie is super talented with writing and we have a sick story idea and yea I'll give more information as it comes. But yea I'm sorry that isn't very good but because of this the next chapter can have some more stuff because it's not rushed. I'm sorry it's bad but forgive me okay.

also thank you so much for 4000 reads I can't believe that people are still reading this despite posting crap like this, I am so grateful and It makes me really happy to see all of your support.

Anyway, thank you for reading and plez don't hate me, please like and comment and share because sharing is caring and I'll try and write a better chapter next time. Thank you again and sorry again and I'll see you in the next chapter BBBYYEE XOXO

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