27:when i needed him he wasn't there

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I never quite understood how all the guys could go to every night out. I mean, mickey isn't even a youtuber with flexible hours, and yet he was the first one to turn up at Joe's apartment. They were all upstairs being boisterous, their excited yells rumbling through the ceiling as I wiggled into my new dress. I couldn't believe that he had spent so much money on it, but I glowed with happiness when I looked into the mirror and realised that I looked Hot. Like damn good. The dark material clung to my boobs, which were one of the only things that actually worked for me, and it made my ass round and not as.....well saggy. It also hid the fat by my armpits and elongated my legs. My newly curled hair fell around my shoulders and after watching a couple of Tanya Burr videos  My makeup was okay, maybe not Zoella standard but lets face it, no ones going to be paying too much attention. I had begged Harriet to borrow her black heels, and the look was complete. Now I was just nervous. Tonight could be the biggest night of my life so far, where I finally experience what everyone else in my year has experienced.

Joe has never treated me like this before, instead acting around me like he would with Caspar or one of his fans, light and lovely but nothing too serious. But now, with expensive gifts, dashing compliments and promises to cuddles, maybe he's starting to feel the same about me. I know, you're probably screaming at me saying stuff like "HE'S NOT WORTHY" and for a while I would of totally agreed with you. But this was different. This will not be like New years.

"Oi, Robin," Connor screamed "come on, the ubers outside!"

"Comin!" I called, grabbing my phone and smoothing the material on my dress before awkwardly running up the stairs. I arrived on the top floor and was greeted with a bunch of wolf whistles and claps from the boys, all of whom obviously agreed. It was odd to see to many guys look at me like that at the same time, that I almost wanted to cover myself just so that people would ignore me. Jack was the first to walk over to me, hugging me briefly before raising his eyebrows at my foot attire.

"Can you balance in those?"

"Sort of," I laughed, keeping one hand firmly on his broad shoulder to steady me. He noticed this and giggled mischievously, and I knew what he was going to do. I shook my head and tried to hold on, but I guess being a personal trainer meant jack had some muscles on him, because I felt my feet start to tumble to the ground from his little prod.

"Oi jack, be careful!" a voice called, and a strong arm stopped gravity pulling me to the wooden floor. I smiled at Joe and he winked at me in response, before being pulled away from me as Jack hoisted him over his shoulder with a cackle of delight. Joe tried to right himself, but unfortunately  Jack was considerably stronger than him , despite them being the same height, and he was instead carried kicking and laughing through the door. Connor grabbed my arm and pulled me with him, keeping the door open on the uber to let me slide in next to Oli.

"I have to say," Oli smirked cheekily "If Jobin wasn't a thing then I definitely think that Roli would be making it's debut tonight."

"Yea well Jobin is a thing Oli so back off bitch," Joe sassed from the front, pulling a boggled eyed face at me to make me smile, which obviously worked. Music blared from the speaker, and suddenly all eight of us were screaming the weekend at the top of our lungs, even harmonising sometimes as Connor is obviously a pro on that sort of stuff. At one point the driver seemed to be trying to look at my legs through the mirror, but with a harsh glare from Caspar behind him he just gulped loudly before speeding up slightly. I smiled at my south African friend and he re payed me by zooming in  on my face for a snap chat.

"Okay," The cab driver sighed tiredly "You guys owe me £25."

"Everyone pay up," Joe yelled, and a sea of change and crumpled paper was thrown his way, before we all   staggered out of the taxi and onto the hard smooth pavement, clutching our arms that were rough with goosebumps. The club stood in front of us,its doors flung open wide in a welcoming embrace, people swarming into the stuffy blandness inside it. The boys were mucking about as they rushed inside, but I stayed back, looking for my best friend. He noticed me, and walked over, the city lights twinkling in his large orbs, making them stand out in the winter blackness. He smiled reassuringly and slipped his hand in mine, squeezing my fingers as he gently tugged me into the swelling blackness of thumping music. I felt my palms start to become sticky, but never did Joe pull away, instead pulling me even closer as we got deeper into the club. We got to the bar and he pulled my hair back, before shouting in my ear if I wanted a drink. I nodded, and he lead me towards a giggling Oli, before walking off with Mickey to get us out drinks. I turned to the boys, all of whom were smirking at me.

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