45: The follower

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I didn't talk to Joe after that. I was too disgusted by what he said. Just thinking about it made me blood boil like hot Lava. How dare he-the guy who dated a girl because he was too much of a pussy to tell me how he felt-accuse ME of cheating with one of our best friends. Like I get that he's annoyed that he can't come to Australia, but he didn't have to act like a jerk you know? He should be happy for me and not act like a little-

Sorry, I'm rambling.

I didn't talk to anyone. My hotel rooms became sanctuaries, the rings to my gollum , and I avoided sunlight like the plague. If my friends were here, I would of been dragged kicking and screaming into reality and Skype pressed against my face. I would of made up with Joe right now.

But none of my friends were here, my aching heart kept reminding me, and I refused call my boyfriend. So Instead I used my energy on thinking up new excuses on why I couldn't do the shows. Many were that I was sick, although I could tell by his look that Jon didn't believe me. Maybe it was because of my greasy hair, stained jumper, tissue rubbed nose appearance that brought his sympathetic side out and let me off. Chocolate eclairs became my go to food. Netflix became this hollow void of worthlessness, and my leggings became tighter and tighter.

Harriet kept on trying to give me pep talks over skype. Sayin how this is just a dent in the road and how you guys are "meant to be." It was really annoying. I was fed up with it. For the first time this summer I regretted flying out here. I hated the fact that this wasn't the first time we'd been through something like this. And he had the audacity to hang up on me like who does that you know?"

I'm rambling again aren't i? I'm sorry . It's just When you're pent up in rooms at night by yourself it really makes your emotions churn.

The American tour finished. There was a huge party, full of booze and boys and, to my slight distaste, a few bongs. The music was loud and the sweat was everywhere. I originally wasn't going to come but Haley insisted. She'd actually become very familiar in my life recently.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I gasped as I knocked into someone's shoulder. The girl, squeezed into the most beautiful blue dress and with gorgeous dark curls, turned around, a look of shame on her face. "NO, it was my fault I'm sorry," she gabbled, lightly brushing the stain on my jumper with a perfectly manicured hand. I smiled and striked up a conversation with her. It turns out this was Arzaylea, Luke's girlfriend of nearly a year. And when Luke came over I suddenly felt the lump in my throat and my eyes becoming itchy. I needed to leave, but they were persistent, and I had to act like I actually cared, when all I wanted to do was to get away. After about 5 minutes of listening to a conversation about their new apartment, I was sick of love. And every God damn thing to do with it.

I told them that I was getting another drink. I purposely went in the opposite direction to everything. I passed a game of peer pong, three couples making out and out into the corridor. Irritated, I strided down the stairs and slipped out of the lobby. It was a surprisingly warm night, but as my journey continued down the street I noticed the trees looking a little more naked. Leaves littered around their roots like cut off hair and my feet disintegrated the carcasses under my feet. I had no idea where I was going to go, but my eyes got enticed with the shimmers of the park. So that's where I went, pulling the hood of my jumper up. My brain was wired, and I was constantly aware movement. A rustle-a squeak-a crack, and I honestly thought that I was going to die. Luckily, I'd bought my headphones, and after firmly lodging them in my ears and blasting a Sia Album, I continued to make my way under the canopy of trees.

A shadow stopped me again. The trees, which blocked out the calming aura and the moonlight, cast everything in shadow, meaning I couldn't acknowledge what it was. After a minute, I cautiously continued, trying to ignore the twitch in my neck. a CRACK however made me pull out my headphones, straining my ears and scanning my surroundings. The blackness taunted me, like a older sibling with your favourite toy, and shadows swirled around me as my emotions clouded my thinking. I willed my feet forward and they took to a tentative jog, keeping my eyes ahead. But when I heard the faint fluttering of heavy breathing, I freaked:

someone was following me.

Swiftly, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialled 911, before I willed energy to move me forward. I scanned my surroundings, and spotted a path off to the right, slightly overgrown with weeds, the flowers sagging to hide the path. Choosing my course, I allowed my adrenaline to electrify.

I hurtled down the path, ducking under a tree branch and jumping over a bush. I could hear a crashing behind me, and I knew that my pursuer was following me, and I realised with a harrowing shudder that it was gaining on me. I don't know how far we ran, but suddenly I bursted out into a square. The trees seemed almost afraid of the shining moon in the sky, and had shrunken away under the protection of each other. Their was a extravagant fountain in the centre, and the water falling into the marble basin below roared and pounded with my hysteria. I tried to outrun them, but I felt a strong hand grab at my arm, pulling me towards them.

Time slowed. I could feel my fist scrunching up and a nervous sense of determination overcame me. No way in hell was I going to die, and DEFINITELY not in a park.

But as I was about to throw all my might behind one punch, a single word stopped me:


It was Joe.

It suddenly felt like I was unravelling. All of the stress and sadness promptly faded away. Even though I hadn't talked to him in nearly two weeks I felt like it had been years. And now, after three months apart he was stood right in front of me. He still looked like himself too, floppy brown hair, large blue eyes and the crinkles in cheeks. I didn't have to look, I could feel my face widening with a huge smile, and even without asking I threw my arms around him. I started laughing in surprise and a shot of warm exploded in my heart as I felt his arms circle my waist. I pulled back slightly and cupped his face, inspecting his face just to make sure this was real. He nodded and raised his eyebrows as if to say "yes it's me," and I laughed before kissing him.

But something felt wrong. I didn't know exactly, but there wasn't the same feeling of connection when we kissed. He seemed to be savouring this as if it was the last kiss I would ever give him. And when I pulled him back to look at him again, I noticed there was something dimming his eyes. He didn't look the same.

"Joe?" I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek, and almost hissing when I felt how cold he was. "Joe, what are you doing here?"

He sighed-looked down-swallowed. And then he looked up once more, holding onto my hand that little bit tighter than usual. He was shaking when he spoke, and his words were left hanging in the air.

"I needed to talk to you. In person. I have to tell you something."


So yea, it's been a while and I am super sorry about that, I have been unbelievably busy you guys should of seen me I barely got any sleep. I did four shows of Mary Poppins last week of which we also did a whole week before of evening rehearsals and 7 hour sunday ones. I played Bert two out of the 4 nights and My favourite person Olivia played Mary ans they were so much fun and I miss the show very much.

On Friday we had a half day and my squad and I came over to mine and we exchanged gifts which included for me to vinyls, Halsey's Badlands (one of my favourite albums of all time) and the Pitch Perfect 2 soundtrack which was awesome. I also got socks, food, fairy lights watermelon lip balm, just a lot of great stuff. We then used my tv and listened to High School Musical, Camp Rock, Starstruck and watched grimsby and Dance Moms. It was a lot of fun and I'll never forget it.

ANYWAY, This story is nearly over. I think theres maybe two more chapters and a epilogue. This story will be over on January 5th 2017, which if you didn't know is exactly 1 year since I uploaded the first Chapter Nandos Girl. I love this story so much but I am very excited because on JANUARY 7TH MY NEW FANFICTION WILL PUBLISHED!!!

It is another Joe one, and I am so excited about it and I've already started writing it. Only one person has read a part of it (Morgan) and she said that she really liked it so thats good I guess. It's called "beyond the Door," and GAH I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!

I'm going to try and upload again ether today or tomorrow but I hope you liked THIS chapter. Please Vote, comment and share because Sharing is caring. I'm aiming to get 5000 reads on this story so It would mean a lot if you told your friends about it if they like this sort of stuff. But thank you so much for the support and I hope to talk in the next chapter. BBYYEE XOXO

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