39: Tell me to stop if you want me to.

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"What do you mean you like me?" Joe whispered, his voice shaking slightly as he stared at me. I heaved shakily and blinked my eyes rapidly, not bothering how I really look right now.

"You know what I mean Joe."

"That's not enough Robin," Joe interrupted, taking a step closer to me, but I took a step back, wanting to keep my distance. stay strong Robin Don't crumble yet.

"well what do you want me to say Joe?" I breathed "'Cause honestly I don't know what else I can say."

"don't be like that?"

"like what?"

"Like it never happened."

"I never said that at all actually."

"You know what I mean."

"maybe I don't."

"GOD DAMN IT ROBIN!" Joe suddenly yelled, a look of anger cutting through his pain. "Now is not the time for stupid arguments."

I was tempted to snap back at him, try and make him feel bad or angry, but I couldn't do it. Yes I was angry at him, in ways I'd never felt before, but I didn't want to stoop to a level where I was taking cheap shots. Instead I turned away for a second, blinking rapidly to stop any tears.I hated people seeing me cry. It made you look weak; meaning they can hurt you. I felt the cold crystilising my tears and I angrily wiped them away before turning back to him, but jumped when I saw how close he was. He was still at a respectable distance, yet I could feel his breath on my forehead and how his fingers were clenched together. He'd obviously rushed out after me, I noticed now that his shoes were odd and his hat was inside out. I also realised that he'd left Jaden to run after me.

He chose you over her.

"where's your girlfriend then?" I questioned, trying to stay angry. Joe shuffled on his feet and stuttered slightly "I left Jaden at the apartment. And she's not my girlfriend."

"Oh really? That's not what it looks like. You don't just let any girl walk around in your apartment wearing your clothes."

"Robin I-"

"No I get it ," I cut across him "She's the one for you. she's the one thats more than just a friend."

"That's not true," although he sounded angry, tears were starting to form in his eyes.

"then tell me what is Joe," I whipsered now, noticing that he was getting even closer "Tell me what is true."

he was silent after that. He didn't know what to say, didn't know how this was going to chnage us. It was odd seeing Joe, a guy I'd been around almost obsessed with for months, was stumped at how to pursue this. But he still didn't move. His breath was warm and slighty damp on my face, yet I didn't move away from it. He swallowed, before taking a deep breath.



"I don't know how to explain it," He sighed, his eyes now boaring into mine "But I know that Jaden, the girl I left in the apartment, isn't true. At least not to me anyway. It's like she not entitely there, that although she's there physically she doesn't know how I work, things that fustrate the living crap out of me and things that will make me hug you and never let you go."

I laughed, but clapped a hand over my mouth to stop. He noticed however, and smiled back as he took another step towards me.

"Although the past month I've been annoyed by you, cried over you and done stuff I still regret, I still wish everyday that we could hang out. And it's frustrating because I see you with Jack and I see the way he looks at you, and it hurts Robin. It hurts because he's not right for you.

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