12: Woke Up Lying Next To Her

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"WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed, and I tried to get out of bed as quickly as possible, but got tangled and fell out of bed. The girl sat bolt up right and turned to me, and both of us widened out eyes. Because I definitely didn't expect the girl to be Robin, her hair tousled and mascara slightly smudged.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?" She screamed, and quickly wrapped my duvet around herself.
"Oh come on it's not like it would of been your first time!" I screamed, trying to sit up and gritting my teeth as I felt a sharp stab of pain in my ankle.
"ARE YOU CALLING ME A SLUT?" Robin screamed grabbing the closest thing to her and throwing it at my head. Unfortunately that had been a copy of username Evie, and it hit me square in the head.
"OOWW!" I yelled.
"OH SHUT UP SUGG YOU DICK!" She screamed throwing a pillow at me this time, which I luckily caught.

We both sat there, slightly out of breath and completely confused. I didn't remember any of this last night. Damn it Joe why can't you never remember the good bits of the night? Wait, how old was she?
"A question Robin, how old are you again?"
"I'm 18."

And I don't know why, but the whole conversation was so stupid that I snorted, and when Robin looked at me as if I was mad, I couldn't help it, and I started laughing.
My head hurt and I was shirtless and freezing cold, but I just started laughing.
"Joe this isn't funny!" Robin screeched "I don't want to have had sex with you!"
"I am offended Robin! For the record I have a great track record with the opposite gender!"
"Ew no I don't want to hear about your techniques!" She squirmed, and the covers fell off the bed. To reveal that she was still wearing her bra and underwear, as well as a pair of my sweats. Damn she had a nice body.
"Stop looking at my boobs Joe! THIS IS SERIOUS!" She snapped, picking up my discarded jumper and pulling it over her body. I stood up and wiggled my ankle slightly and once satisfied that I hadn't hurt myself, opened my bedroom door and ran upstairs.
The apartment upstairs was occupied by a couple of people, all of which I didn't really want to see. Connor was on his phone, his fingers tapping into the screen occasionally. By the kitchen Oli was nursing a large cup of coffee, looking tired and slightly pale. There was no sign of Caspar. Connor looked up and smirked once he saw me.
"Is she still here?"
"Not now Connor," I replied, searching for the apartment for a specific thing. I found it under one of the sofa pillows, and pulled it out. I opened the bag and pulled out Robins camera, turning it on and flicking through the pictures. I have to say, the pictures were incredible, I had never seen anything more creative and impressive, and I've seen Will's work, as well as follow Connor Franta on Instagram. There were shots of dancing and lights, but there was a couple that caught my eye.

One was all of us the bar, laughing and taking shots, and the next was back here, at the apartment. Caspar was wearing Robin's jumper, and all of us were on the coffee table, laughing and holding bottles of beer. I rushed back downstairs and opened his door. He was curled up like a giant cat, still wearing her fluffy blue jumper, and was smiling slightly, until I kicked him awake.
"Whatdoyouwant?" He slurred.
"Did Robin and I sleep together?" I asked, going straight to the point.
"Dude, really?"
"Did we sleep together?"
"No!" Caspar groaned "She collapsed on the floor and you dragged her down the stairs and into your bed. It was really funny to watch," he giggled, and continued snoring.

"Wait what?" Robin exclaimed, abruptly sitting up from the bed and snapping around with round eyes, her hair slightly frazzled. She looked so childish and yet so cute.
"No she's not cute Joe," I mentally slapped myself "shut up!"
"We didn't sleep together!" I repeated "Caspar said you collapsed and fell asleep and I put you to bed without touching you like that in any way!"
"Oh my gosh!"Robin yelled, smiling widely jumping up from the bed " I still have my purity! I'm not a slut like you!"
"Gee, thanks," I sarcastically replied as Robin threw her arms around me, laughing loudly and stinking of old beer. She was so light, and it was easy to spin her around. She broke off the hug and ran both fingers through her hair, before suddenly going slightly pale. She suddenly ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. I was confused, until I heard a retching and vomiting.
"Robin," I cooed, "are you okay?"
"Never felt better," Robin mumbled, before retching again.
"I'll be right back," I called, and quickly ran upstairs.


"Come on Robin," I called hauling her up the stairs.
"Nnnnnooooo!!!" Robin whined as she stumbled on the last step. I pulled her into the sofa and turned on the tv. I handed her the remote as Netflix loaded onto the TV and she flicked through the channels as I brought over the tray that I have made for her earlier. On it was mashed potato, banana chips and peanut butter, and a large jar of Nutella, as well as a cup of tea.
"How did you know that these are all of my favourites?" Robin asked, smiling slightly.
"Duh, I stalked you on Instagram... and Twitter."
"You're such a creep."
"Is it creepy to think that your friend Alice is cute?"
"Well yes considering she's only 17."
"Damn it."
She laughed as she finally found what she was looking for and clicked on an episode of the Vampire Diaries.
"Ahhh why?" I whined, as Robin tossed me the end of her blanket and snuggled further down in the seat.
"Don't diss it!" Robin snapped mockingly "I live for Damon."
"Yeah whatever," I sighed, slipping my feet up on the sofa behind her "if I wasn't this hungover I would be gone right now."
"Come on Joe. Who knows, you might enjoy it."
I rolled my eyes.
"Plus the main girl is really pretty."
"I'll stay for one episode I guess."

I really enjoyed writing this chapter so hope you enjoy reading it. I know that Joe is kinda obsessed with hot girls but hey, I do it with guys so I'm not judging him.

Also I LOVE VAMPIRE DIARIES!! I'm such a Damon girl but are you team Stefan or team Damon??

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote and all that and I'll upload another chapter soon🐢

(Ps to any beloved 5sos fans like me, if you get the title of the last two chapters I love you because I love that song 💙)

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