16: Saving Gotham City

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"Honestly, I don't know why Elena picked Damon anyway."
"And why wouldn't he?" Robin protested, popping another malteaser in her mouth. I pulled the nearly empty bowl from her hands and she pouted like a small girl, her brown hair tied up in a messy bun, making her look a bit like a three year old at her first ballet class. She looked so adorable.
"Because Stefan is 10 times better!"
"But he was a dick when he was the ripper!"
"But," I protested "he was doing that because he loved Elena, Damon is just a dick."
"Yea well I'm still team Damon" Robin smiled, kicking off the blanket and stretching.
"Yea well, you're just a little girl aren't you," I smirked, and Robin scowled and sat up, flicking her hair slightly.
"You know I'm technically and adult right?"
"Yeah, but I'm older than you," I pointed out.
"By only 5 years!"
"Basically a child!"
"Whatever," she sighed, flicking to the next episode and taking a swig of Coke. I hadn't seen her this way before, it was really odd.
"You okay?" I asked sitting up and pushing my hair out of my face.
"Yea I'm fine," Robin replied, a slight snap to her voice. She then turned to me and tried to fake a smile and brightly reply,"Now, do you ship Caroline and Klaus together. Cause I do, but you make poor choices so I can never be too sure."
"Robin seriously what's wrong?"
She paused it, but didn't look at me, instead sat there, tapping my her nail on the sofa.
"Do you really think I'm a child Joe?"
"100%" I grinned.
"No Joe be serious," she sighed. I sat up and stared at her. She wasn't joking this time.
"Of course I don't."
"Course," I smiled, standing up and grabbing a bottle of beer. I chucked one to her and she smiled, biting the lid off and taking a long draught.
"I'm gonna be finishing this quickly Sugg so you better bring the rest," she laughed, and I rolled my eye sarcastically and brought over the other six beers.


"I'm gonna do it!"
"Joe don't!" Robin giggled.
"I'm superman, I can do anything!"
"Yea but don't jump!"
"BUT I HAVE TO PROTECT GOTHAM CITY!" I screamed, and jumped off the foose ball table. I landed on my ass and rolled on the floor, as Robin screeched with laughter, tears smudging her mascara with tears. I found myself crying with laughter myself, even though my foot was sore and had pins and needles. Robin sat up and wiped away her tears, before leaning over to the table and picking up a bottle on the table. She lifted it to her lips, but only froth came out of the glass, and she sat there confused.
"Someone's stolen my beer!"
"What?" I laughed, the room spinning slightly as I started bum shuffling towards her.
"Someone's stolen my beer!" She protested, and suddenly whipped her face around towards me "you little thief!"
I raised my hands in surrender "it wasn't me!"
"I will take my revenge," she smiled evilly, and pounced, landing on top of my stomach and flattening me. I groaned and tried to push her off, but she was relentless, squirming like a little child and giving me feeble pokes. In my drunken state I grabbed one of her feet and started tickling her, and she squealed and begged me stop with hysteric excitement, until she was lying on the floor next to me. The moonlight shining through the window, casting her face into a shadow, making her skin look as soft as a pencil drawing. Her eyes were wide and outlined by the smudged makeup, and her hair was knotted and tangled, as if she had just battled fierce Cornish weather. She was smiling, and her lips were pale and small, looking slightly dry.
"I wonder what it would be like to kiss her?" My conscious questioned. Of course, if I was sober then I would never dream of thinking this. Although yes, Robin was very pretty, I didn't feel anything for her.

So why was my head leaning closer to hers?
Why was I looking at her lips and she looking at mine? And why, why was I so desperate to feel those lips on mine?

It didn't last long, but it was not what I was expecting. It wasn't bad, far from that, but it didn't heated up to anything more. They were delicate, soft as a petal in early spring, and tasted of beer and Nutella. They brushed against mine, before she pulled away, smiling in a way that made her look utterly happy with the world.
"I just wanted to try, just once," I confessed, and she laughed a sleepy laugh and patted my cheek lightly with her cold hand.
"Well how was it?"
"Honestly," I smiled cheekily "I thought you were going to be crap."
"Really," she sleepily smirked, sticking out her tongue.
"But," I continued "you were actually alright."
She shrugged once before pulling the blanket from the sofa and rolling up in it "I'm not like you Sugg, I'm actually good at many things."
And with that, she yawned, and closed her eyes, letting sleep take her.

I sat there for a while, just watching her sleep and thinking. What was going to happen now?

Hey guys!!
Sorry that this took like 10 days to be uploaded I got a little stuck with what to write and this isn't the longest chapter but they can't all be.
Anyway, I want to thank everyone who has been commenting and voting, particularly @leilaThurman who has been so kind and just made me feel awesome, so shout out to her.

Anyway, I have got some more ideas now so I will hopefully write another chapter and have uploaded in no more than a week. Hope everyone is having great lives, just thought I'd put that out there lol.
Please continue to vote and comment, it makes me so happy, and I will talk in the next one.
BBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEE!!!! 💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛

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