7: Shirtless Caspar

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It was nearly 11 when I finished my shift. I was tired and hungry, but couldn't bring myself to eat any chicken, being neck deep in it for hours today. All the while I couldn't help but think about Joe, and how weird it was that we had bumped into each other in a space of 24 hours. I still couldn't quite get over the fact that we had talked properly today, and I touched his hair. Damn his hair was soft. Not in a pervy way but I couldn't help it.

I changed back into my clothes and received my cheque, smiling at the extra money I made from the shift and all the tips that were helping me achieve my goal of the photography course. I was still a few hundred off, but i was getting there. I can easily say though that I had never been so happy to take the extra shift this afternoon.

I wondered around the restaurant check-in. One last time and came to the booth where I had sat hours ago, still with our glasses on the table as no one had sat here for the rest of the day. I noticed something red on the seat and picked it up, before realising that it was Joe's SnapBack, the one he had been wearing to hide his disaster of a mess of hair. From watching his videos I knew this was his favourite SnapBack, and quickly popped around the counter to collect his address from the takeaway records. Of course I could've just called and he could of picked it up tomorrow, but the urge to find where the Jaspar house hid in the jungle of London was too strong. I found out that it wasn't that far from my apartment, only a few minutes walk. I rushed out onto the dark street, pulling my beanie over my ears to protect them form the harsh September cold. The ghost of a train pulled up at the tube and I sat in a seat, blowing on my hands trying to keep them warm as I sat alone, the only other people riding with me were the occasional drunk and late working business person. When the disembodied voice called the stop I heaved myself from the comfort of the chair and back out into the cold. After getting lost a couple of times I finally found their apartment up a flight of stairs. I knocked on the door, feeling my palms sweat slightly.

A minute later the door opened, and it took all of my will power not to scream or melt on the spot. I mean, why the hell did CASPAR LEE had to open the door shirtless. Damn he had such a good body.
"Can I help you?"
I dragged my eyes away from Caspar's muscles and to his kind face, which was stretched into a warming smile.
"Oh hi," I stammered, trying to remember what I came for "um.....I'm Robin, a friend of Joe's."
"Oh you're the girl who ate my Nandos today?" Caspar smiled cheekily, and I could feel myself blush a deeper shade of red.
"Oh my gosh....I am so sorry. I didn't know it was yours honestly I'll pay and...."
"It's fine, don't worry about it," Caspar laughed "you wanna see Joe? He's downstairs in his room, just make sure you knock," and he stepped aside, allowing me to walk into the very familiar living room. From the fooseball table and the soft lights and old pizza boxes on the table, the layout of the Jaspar apartment was exactly how I imagined it. I thanked Caspar and he went back to editing, whilst I went down the stairs and came upon Joe's closed door. I knocked on the door, yet I got no answer. When I knocked harder Joe still didn't answer, so I opened the door.

I thought that Joe would just be listening to music or sleeping, but one thing I didn't expect was to see two people in a tight lip lock, both bare chested and pulling at each other's hair on his bed, moans and giggles escaping their mouths in the pale light.


Sorry that's it's so short I didn't want to make it too long.
I hope you guys are enjoying it (if anyone is actually reading this story) but if you are then thank you so much!
Please vote, comment etc. etc. And next chapter will be up soon.

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