31: Letters and Emails

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After that, life went on as normal. I woke the day after my breakdown by the Thames with Morgan holding a tray with toast and hot chocolate. I spent the morning playing on the xbox with Ruby, who after wards told me that this was the best day of her life and already made me promised to come back and visit the two of them. I didn't mind though, she was so lovely, and I definitely needed new friends as I was starting to run low. After that, I went home, explained to an almost hysterical Ivy that yes I was fine, that I didn't get raped or kidnapped and that I'm able to function like a proper human being again. I then consoled both of my concerned siblings, before locking myself in my room and sleeping for another 12 hours. It was two days later and I had been putting off any work the past couple of days. But what with exams coming and my amount of editing growing by the second, I had to get something done. However, because I didn't want to go anywhere near You-know-who, I had to beg Olivia to go for me. Needless to say, She wasn't very happy to.

"I need you to go over to Joe's and get my stuff."

"Why can't you?"

"Because once again, I'm trying to avoid him."

"But you forgave him last time."

"This is different," I explained, my tiredness limiting my patience dramatically and therefore gritting my teeth before I said something I would regret. "I just need you to go and get my laptop and my clothes, I need to do editing."

"when's the portfolio due again?"

"Ugh next week," I sighed "and my application for the course in Australia is due in five days, however it's going to take a least 4 days to get there so I have to send it off by Sunday. After that I'll then be told in 48 hours by email, meaning i won't be able to sleep and will need Netflix to comfort me. Another reason why I'll need my laptop."

"Alright FINE," my friend sighed dramatically "But you're a bitch and I hate you."

"I love you too," I smiled, and she laughed before informing me that she'll text me when she's five minutes away. Grateful that I had such amazing friends, I slipped on a one direction vinyl and started drawing myself a bath, letting Harry's voice sooth me as I blocked myself from the outside world.


"Olivia please!"

"Joe , as a trusted friend of Robin I have to say no!"

"But you don't have to that's the thing!"

"Its the girl code!"

"JOE COME ON!" Caspar yelled "WE HAVE TO GO!"

I desperately turned back to girl in front of me, her hair pulled up in a high ponytail and her hand sat on her hip, the box full of Robin's stuff tucked under her arm. My bags were clustered around her and had a very impatient room mate waiting outside. I had completely forgotten about our trip to LA, and only remembered when I got a text from Brittney saying that she was going to pick us up from the airport and how she had bought enough alcohol to last us a Zombie apocalypse. Needless to say, we all had forgot, and had spent two hours frantically packing and editing emergency videos to be able to upload something. We were going for about a month so we'd have to film some there, meaning we also had to bring camera equipment. We had only just finished, and I felt like I'd just been at the gym for hours, I ached all over. It didn't help that I'd barely had any sleep the past couple of nights. My thoughts had been keeping my brain working well into the night, and copious hours of filming gaming videos and drinking wasn't helping.

"Look just give this to her, Olivia, please!"

"Joe," she groaned, obviously bored with the conversation,"How do you even though that she'll want it?"

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