8: Is It Because You're a Virgin?

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I pulled myself away from her lips when I heard a cry from my doorway. My vision was slightly blurred from the darkness but when I looked to the door I could see Robin stood in the there, looking shocked and to be honest, a little grossed out. The girl on my lap stopped attacking my neck and looked in her direction to, before turning back to me and whispering "Who's she babe?"

Robin turned and walked away, and I didn't answer. Instead, I pushed the girl off my lap and ran after the retreating figure, ignoring the cries of "I'll be waiting down here for you!"
"Robin wait!"
"I can't look at you right now!" She called, and I sped up before she walked out the door, grabbing her arm and pulling her around.
"Talk to me!"
"I can't, because if I do: number 1: more images will blind me that I wish I never saw," Robin shouted, trying to cover her eyes with her small hands "and number two: you're shirtless and if I look at you I'll get distracted!"
I burst out laughing, and Robin lowered her hands slightly, trying to stay angry but was giggling slightly. "You get distracted by my rock hard abs?" I teased, wiggling my eyebrows and smiling. She punched me lightly in my arm and giggled even more.
"how did you find my apartment anyway?" I asked, grabbing a jumper from the table and pulling it over my head, "you didn't follow me home yesterday like a crazy stalker right?"
And Robin laughed again, and every time she did I couldn't help but smile and laugh with her, her happiness was so contagious .
"No you left your hat at work, so I looked up your address in the book and I came over after my shift. The big question Sugg Is who's Holly Willowbooby downstairs?"

"She's a friend."
"Well that's a obvious lie." she snorted. What actually happened was Connor and I had gone into town, got drunk, she was hot, she wanted me, so I brought her back to my place. However I knew I sounded like the biggest man-whore, so I just pretended that I knew her so it wasn't so bad.
"You don't know her do you?" Robin sighed, and I felt myself blush a deep red.
She started to roll her eyes and turn away again. Again I grabbed her arm and pulled her around.
"I'm sorry, okay? I know it's a dick move and I promise you I very rarely do it." I ran a hand through my hair, unsure of what to say. It's not like I had to explain myself to her, but I don't want her thinking I'm just some play boy.
"It's not my problem Joe, I'm just here to drop off your hat and leave you to your fun," she gave me a small smile and turned to leave. She closed the door behind her. I groaned and flopped onto the sofa, feeling embarrassment  rear in my stomach. I can't believe she had seen me like that. She's probably gonna tell everyone that I'm just a complete piece of crap, and then never wanna look at me again. Which kinda sucks because I was starting to like her. She had to the vibe of being the life of the party, and those were the sort of people I loved being around.

I don't know how long I sat there, but I moved when a small knock on the door ran through my apartment. I rolled off the sofa and stomped over to the door, not wanting to talk to anyone right now, so I was shocked to see Robin standing on the doorstep again.
"I accidentally left my keys at work," she answered a little sheepishly. "And no ones at my apartment tonight. Could I possibly crash here?"
If this was any other person that I barely knew I would make up some dumb excuse and shut the door in their face, laughing at how stupid they thought I was. But Robin looked so cold standing on my door step wearing only a thin jumper. She looked like she could fall asleep right there, dark circles engulfing her eyes, and her voice was soft and drowsy.
"Um yea sure," I replied, and she shuffled back into the apartment, slipping off her shoes before turning to me and saying, "are you going to continue? or...?"
I rolled my eyes and laughed, before shaking my head and taking Robin's bag from her and placing it on the sofa. I asked her I give me a minute, before running down the stairs back into my room, where the buzzed blonde was lying on my covers in what she thought was a seductive pose. Now that I had sobered up a little bit however, it just looked like she had bad stomach cramps or diarrhoea.

"I'm ready for you," she whispered, wiggling her eyebrows, reminding me oddly a little bit Of Gary Barlow.
"Well sorry but I need you to leave," I replied, picking up her discarded jumper and bra from my floor and flinging them at her, turning on my lights and opening up my cupboards looking for my clean sheets. There's no way Robin will want to sleep in those sheets with the images that she saw about 30 minutes ago, I know I wouldn't if it had been the opposite way round.
"I'm sorry what?" The girl spat, sitting up from her position, her pretty face moulded into a scowl.
"I need you to leave. Please." I repeated, ignoring her and pulling a beanie over my head.
"Are you a virgin? Is that why?" She asked, and I laughed at her idea of me rejecting her.
"Don't flatter yourself love," I smiled, and she scoffed and threw her jumper over her bare chest, muttering the whole time, before grabbing her high heels and storming for the door. Before she left, she turned and spat "your roommate is hotter anyway!"
"I know," I laughed.
"Thank you!"Caspar called through the wall "I don't even work out!"
And the girl left, the sound of our laughter ringing in her ears.

Once I heard the door close (slam), I called Robin, and she padded into my room, the pale light highlighting the dark circles that engulfed her eyes. She was stumbling slightly and she looked so tired. I knew that she had to go to school tomorrow, so I had left her a pair of grey comfies to wear, and she smiled at me in a sleepy way. "Thanks Sugg," she sighed, before I closed the door on her.

Caspar looked surprised when I opened his door and started bringing out the spare pillows and laying them on his sock ridden floor.
"Robins staying over," I explained.
"Nandos girl is staying over?" He asked, smirking slightly.
"Yes, and before you ask, no we didn't sleep together."
"Shame," Caspar replied in the darkness "she's hot"
And as I lay in the dark and thought to myself, I heard my voice escape through my lips.

"She is isn't she?"

Sorry this took ages to update, I was having a bit of writers block (even though no one is reading this so it doesn't matter LOL)
ANYWAY if you are reading this thank you so much, please comment and vote and all that. Hopefully a new chapter will be up in the next couple of days.

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