25:potion of emotion

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Her hand hurt my wrist as she roughly pulled me into the twinkling room I had been in earlier. I obviously didn't want to face Robin when she was this angry, and I was actually a little scared about what she was going to say. I tried to squirm out of her grip, but she persisted, pulling me into the room and slamming the door behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here Joe?" She whined, pulling her hair out of the ponytail and letting her dark waves cascade messily around her flushed face.

"Mary invited me inside, I didn't think you were going to be mad!" I exclaimed, pushing my hair away from my face to make me see better.

"Well you shouldn't be here, you're not coming back till tomorrow."

I shrugged, trying to look a lot more cool than I actually was."I had to come back because I have a meeting tomorrow about the new house so....."


For the first time silence shifted between us, hanging there like an awkward third wheel on a date. It was there, yet I didn't know how to shift it, because I had never been awkward around Robin. Even when we first met, I was more concerned about weather this girl was gonna rape me that I forgot to overthink. Whilst I was staring at her, she had clocks ft he tidier bedroom, a frown on her face.

"Did you tidy my room?"

I laughed with relief and embarrassment "yea, when you've lived with someone like Caspar for a while it becomes a habit."


Silence again. She sat down on the bed, pulling off her socks and airing her feet, her toenails painted a luminous blue. I sat next to her, trying to not touch her in case she was on her time of the month and didn't want any breathing thing touch her.

"Why you here Joe?" She asked again, almost tiredly this time, looking at me with a look of fear and reluctant interest painted on her face.

I shrugged "I wanted to talk about New Years, and the reason why you actually left early."

"I told you Joe," she rolled her eyes with annoyance "I had work to do. Unlike you, my job isn't flexible and I need to money so I can go to my course."

"Right okay."

"I'm telling the truth."

I laughed with frustration,starting to pace the room. "you're supposed to be my friend Robin, and yet all i'm hearing is crap coming out of your mouth."

"If you were a real friend then you'd believe me."


She recoiled as if I'd just slapped her in the face, and honestly I felt shocked too. I very rarely shouted at anyone, even my sister, but at that moment, I had never wanted to scream at someone that much, and yet I had never wanted to turn back time and restart a conversation. She didn't deserve this, because obviously I had just her a whole lot more and there was already something eating her up.

"Oh my god."

"Robin I am so sorry," I mumbled, racing over to her and sitting next to her, as if she was a valuable china object that had just been smashed. A tear had welled in her eye and a lump formed in mine, because I always felt like a complete dickhead when I made people cry, partially because I feel like the worst person but also because I have no idea how to react in this situation. I started to pull her into a hug but she pushed me off, angrily wiping her eyes and smudging her mascara, but scowling with the anger of a thunderstorm.

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