47:will you give me the chance?

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Australia was beautiful. Golden sand kissed every shore, and elegant palm trees flopped in the scorching sun. The people were beautiful too, all possessing a warm glow to their skin and adorable accents. I was constantly surrounded by amazing food, exotic architecture and lovely people; the complete opposite to the last few weeks of the American tour.

And a world away from London.

The first few days of Australia were hell on earth. Although I had been the one who had ended it, I felt like my soul had been ripped out and I'd just become deflated. I was so distraught that there were times where I couldn't even cry, I just felt so depressed, so dark that I almost felt emotionless. Luckily, we had a few days off when we first arrived, so I wasn't required to leave my hotel room. The room had the unpleasant smell of muskiness and depression and the furniture became almost unrecognisable;I didn't wash, Food just became dust in my mouth. I didn't hear another humans voice for hours. A constant sweat was on my forehead as My duvet shrouded my head. I was a shell of my former self. Until two days later.

"You smell," Jack smiled, dropping his bag with a poof, deliberately ignoring my crumpled p-jamas. I looked up from my laptop, quickly wiping my mouth. He was standing there, his blond hair untidy and his nose ring glinting in the small rays of sunlight creeping through the closed curtains. Just seeing him there, after all that had happened between Joe and I, broke down a damn in my gut that I didn't know existed. Jack must of seen me snap, because his clearly softened. Slowly, he held out his arms, and I was already sobbing as I entered his embrace. Although I had cried, I'd never let myself break completely, determined to bottle up how I was really feeling. But now that I wasn't alone, my sub conscious made the decision for me:it was okay to cry in front of him.

"I'm sorry that Harriet had to pull out at the last minute," he said after a while, and my heart swinged again. Last week Harriet's older brother, a doctor in the army, go rushed to hospital with a kidney stone. Because her parents are so busy with work, Harriet volunteered to look after him. That piece of news was a extra gun shot to the corpse of my happiness. But as I felt my breath slowing down I knew that I didn't need to freak out by myself now.

"ew," I laughed thickly,, wiping my eyes as we pulled apart "I've got snot on your jumper."

"I hate you," he smiled, but quickly grabbed my hand, sign of support. I felt a sudden warmth in my chest and I was surprised to feel my cheeks heating up. what the hell? I thought, and slowly pulled my hand away. I could feel a feeling of shyness enveloping me. That's strange.

"This, however," Jack continued, obviously oblivious to my weirdness "Is gross Robin you need to sort out this room."

"You don't like my interior design Maynard?"

"Chalk, I share a flat with my brother, and I can tell you now, this is gross."

"alright I get it don't be mean," I teased. Smiling, Jack pulled apart the curtains, and a torrent of gorgeous light hit my skin. He looked over his shoulder, and I smiled back in return.


The crowd booed. I joined in, grasping onto my camera and clicking a couple of images. Jack, who was standing next to me, cheered as a joke, and yelped when my elbow dug into his rib. He scowled, and quickly grabbed at my camera. I tried to protest, but he quickly snapped a couple of shots of me. However, as the final song started I grabbed the camera back. Of course I was sad that the tour was over, but I was happy at what it symbolised.My move to LA, the new job, a fresh start. I had already said my goodbyes to everyone, as Jack had booked me up tonight. The past month we'd been almost inseparable, like young children at nursery. We'd been out to meals, filmed videos and stayed back stage together for hours at a time. It was fun; the most fun I'd had in a while.

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