43:is that a problem?

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"I can't believe you're leaving me!"I whined, dragging Isabella's bag onto the moving floor. The airport was, surprisingly, a ghost town. Very few people hurried past, eyes down and scanning their phones. I was honestly sick of airports. I'd lost count of the amount that we'd walked through, ran through and, in some cases, mobbed in. Man international fangirls are INSANE.

"We have to, SOME OF US have early acceptances for UCLA," Giulietta smiled, her face shining with excitement. Her flight was leaving in 30 minutes,however Isabella's wasn't arriving for a while. She was flying back to London as she'd been offered a few casting calls for west Ends and needed to be home. Although it broke my heart that they were leaving me I was also super happy what they were doing. I was not however, happy that Isabella had given me her heaviest suitcase. I honestly think my skin is ripping.

we arrived at Giulietta's gate just as people started boarding. As a little thank you I'd spent some of my wages on a First class flight and because of that, she got to board early. Dropping her bags, My friend threw her arms around me, knocking me back slightly with her force. Now it was happening, I realized how much I was going to miss her. I inhaled, trying to keep my tears from falling. She giggled thickly and pulled away, trying to distract herself by checking her eyebrows. Checking that she had her passport and quickly hugging her sister, she wished me luck and walked away. I watched her go until I couldn't see her anymore. We'd already said I wouldn't make a big deal of it. Instead, my arms thudding slightly with pain, Isabella and I trecked to the other side of the airport. After grabbing two frappichinos we slumped onto chairs, trying to ignore the slight sheen of sweat sticking to our hair.

"so," Isabella asked "Have you decided who's coming with you to Australia?"

I shrugged " Harriet's already made sure she has not lectures so she can come."

"Isn't she wanting to be a lawyer?"

"Yea but she's only going to Brighton Uni, they don't learn anything useful until half way through their second year."

"Ooo shady Chalk."

Chuckling, I took a deep slug of my drink "I was thinking of asking Jack."

"I'm sorry what?"


"You're not gonna ask Joe?"

I blinked. Took a sip. And then replied "I just assumed that he'd be to busy what with the book and hit the road."

"So you were going to ask one of his best friends instead."

"Don't make it sound so bad,"I defended, "Jack's one of my best friends too."

"I mean, just ask Joe first," Isabella suggested "and then, if he can't do it, you're not in the wrong."

"I dunno I'll think about it ," I smiled, "But don't get me wrong, I would love for Joe to come."

I suddenly started to imagine what would happen if Joe came. A hazy world of happiness, hugs and adventures suddenly swarmed my self conscious. I suddenly missed him so much and all I wanted was  to feel loved. Damn girl keep it together my hormones scolded.

"Long distance sucks," I huffed. Rolling her eyes but her face a picture of sympathy, Isabella pulled me  into a hug


"Joe," my publisher huffed "what's wrong with the book tour dates that we have set up?"

I sighed and tried to not show my frustration. I had the same conversation with my PA, Caspar, Dom at gleam and now my publisher. To try and calm myself down I stared at my publishers face. She had a mustache, a faint line of black hair adorning her upper lip. Her glasses were too small for her face, making her squint; her voice whiny and unbelievably annoying.

"I just want to make sure that there are no events on the next month."

"But Joe what could possibly happen that would want you to  prolong this?" She scoffed, allowing some of her deminure to slip as she grew  obviously agitated. I smirked  as I leaned back in my chair, an evil feeling of humor enveloped my brain. Normally when I felt like this Robin would rein me in, scowling yet trying to hide her smile. Now I was agitated and annoyed and just plain hungry.

"Look Denise," I simpered, trying to keep some of the Sugg charm "I just don't want to go on tour right now," then, pulling a sneaky smile, i added "Besides, we couldn't have a book tour without the author now could we?"

And when she couldn't say anything, I nodded, winked and bid her farewell. Hurrying home I thought about what was going to be happening in six weeks time. Six weeks and then a month in Australia, able to see my girlfriend again and having some well earned time off. We were face timing tonight and she was going to ask me to join her then. Yes she hasn't asked me yet but I know she will. I mean,I'm her boyfriend.She has to ask me. Is it bad I've already started buying clothes for the trip.

I arrived home and clicked on the lights. I got changed and cooked food and ate it alone. I catched up on my shows and had a phone conversation with my mum. Time slowly crawled by and eventually My laptop vibrated with a call. Diving across the bed I flicked my hair to make sure I looked good and accepted. And suddenly she was there again, waving and smiling and easing me once more.


"Hey," I smiled, waving and then realized I looked stupid and stopped. "How are you?"

"alright," she shrugged "I finalized who I wanted to take to Australia."

"Oh yea?" I smiled,trying not to look so obvious on what I was thinking.  A tingling feeling of excitement numbed my fingers and I could feel myself shuffling around.

"Yea, Jack said he's good to go!"

wait what? 

"I'm sorry, can you back up a bit," I frowned "when we say Jack you mean...."

"Maynard, obviously," She smiled, rolling her eyes "Is that a problem?"

Oh yes. Yes it was a problem.


This chapter isn't amazing but it's kind of half filler but I've also had a lot of stuff to do. Like today, I had an five hour drama rehearsal and I am super tired. But yea, This chapter is like meh and I don't have much to say so  this is a super short authors note. I'm sorry that I don't sound that enthusiastic, I honestly still love writing this book and it breaks my heart that it's going to be over soon (no more than ten chapters and a epilogue I should think) but I've got to a point where there's fillers to write before the good stuff and I hate writing fillers because they're boring to write and not that fun to read. However now the next few chapters are gonna be good just please forgive me do this crap that I'm giving you this week. I just can't believe that I'm now at this section, because this was my 3/4 mark and soon it will be all over *cries*

Also Happy Birthday Michael Clifford I luv ya lots and yea so have a good day.

Thank you for reading, please vote and comment and share because sharing is caring and I'll see you in the next chapter. BBYYEE XOXO

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