30:friends old and new

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"are you okay?"

The wind was softly fluffing my hair and nipped at my arms as I sat there. The Thames was a dark and swirling mass, and a weird force of mystery sat heavily in the air. I can't remember how long I had been sat there for, my feet swaying over the water and my thoughts eating away at my brain when the voice broke the silence. The girl in question was quiet tall, with red auburn hair and large eyes. She was wearing dark clothes except her shoes, which were a bight blue. She was looking utterly confused and slightly scared. Honestly, I was sick of that look, even from someone that I don't even know.

"I'm not thinking about drowning myself if that's what your thinking."

"Well that's good," the girl smiled "I ain't got no time to be a witness in police investigation."

"Wow thanks," I sighed turning back to look at the shadows of the city. I was gripped onto my camera tightly, the rhythmic of the lens moving between my fingers being the only thing that I was sure about. The girl still stood there, recently pulled out headphones in her hand, music softly playing. I wanted her to leave, but She didn't seem to take a hint. Instead she still stood there. It irritated me immensely.

"Nice camera."


"You take pictures?"

"No I use it to bake cakes."

"Sarcastic," the stranger laughed "I like it."

"Could you please leave?" I sighed "I'm not in the mood."

"Which is why I have to stay," She contradicted, and too my despair she sat down next to me "You don't look good."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not....."

"Robin," I finished that sentence.

"Morgan," she replied "And if you don't mind me saying, your mascaras running."

I wiped my tears away, ignoring the black streaks and nodding my head as a thank you. "Okay yea maybe I'm not okay," I confessed "But don't worry I'm dealing with it."

"says the girl sat next to the river, crying and looking as if she was going to throw up any second."

On that comment, my brain started to wonder if I could trust her. Right now I had felt like my heart had been ripped out and She seemed like a decent person. I mean, it's not like I'm going to see her again.

"I've just had a really difficult week, and the guy who was looking after me doesn't see me the way I want him too, and I felt so suffocated and I had to get out, so I ran away."

"How do you want him to see you?"

"In a way where he feels like I could be more than just a friend," I sighed.

"Is he cute?"

"Ugh the cutest!"

"They're the worse" Morgan nodded "Particularly when you're so much more hotter than the girls they like."

"It's a struggle," I giggled thickly.

"So what made you actually decide to run away?" Morgan questioned, bending one of her legs and hooking her clasped arms around her knee. Her jeans had a rip in, and a patch of goose bumped ridden skin stood out shockingly under the grey sky. However her face radiated warmth, and I already felt like I could tell her anything.

So I did. I told her about my birthday, the time I caught him with the girl, the south Africa trip and finally the nightclub. My words were jumbled and sometimes didn't make sense, my hands started to ache as the made flying motions, and the lump inside my throat started growing and growing until I could barely breath. I went on, explaining how it felt every time that I saw him, that I almost felt like Ia was drowning yet flying at the same time and how I despised myself because of it. I was normally so strong, so independent, and now all I wanted was him, and that's why I had to push myself away, why I had to escape.

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