3: Are you Mila Kunis?

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The room was crowded and dark, shadows constantly moving as Tasha and I stood in the centre of it all, unsure of what to do. Vlogging cameras were popping up like skyscrapers in the air, the sound of people dancing and drinking and singing filled our ears. We had grabbed a bottle of beer each and were stood still together, trying to keep our inner fangirls in as youtubers were streaming into the room. Tasha accidentally got knocked into, and a hand pulled her back from toppling over.
"Sorry," a very familiar voice said, and I was trying not to scream with excitement. Alfie Deyes turned away, and Tasha turned bright red, touching her shoulder. I laughed and shouted in her ear that I was going to go and get a bit of fresh air. It was stuffy in there and I was feeling uncomfortable, particularly as people were starting to get a little bit tipsy and were falling around everywhere. I passed a giggling Louise, who was twirling around like a spinning top in her blue dress, and quickly slipped out of a door into a back alley.

The darkness instantly hugged me, making my eyes at first blind. However after a while I started to see where I was standing. Bins lined the wall like soldiers, and the stale smell of garbage drifted up my nostrils. I wrapped my arms around myself and stamped my feet on the ground. My breath came out in puffs of smoke, and I giggled as I looked like a dragon, trying to catch the smoke in my mouth.


What the hell was that? I instantly felt my whole body tense up and my blood started to pound around my veins. I was a crap fighter, my sisters could tell you that first hand, so I didn't quite know how I was going to defend myself if it was a murderer or a rapist so I hid behind a pile of rubbish bins. I felt my new shoes stand in something sticky and tried not to retch, feeling my stomach groan.


A familiar voice rang through the alley, and then a loud smack was heard, followed by more swearing and groaning. Hesitantly I looked around the side of the bins and saw the silhouette of someone picking themselves up from the ground. It was definitely a man, I could tell that by his voice. He was obviously drunk, so I slowly started to edge towards him. As I got closer to him, I could see that he was roughly the same height as me, his hair was scruffy and a tie was tied around his head like a tribal head band. He giggled, and I recognised that laugh.

As I stepped into the light of a street lamp, a drunk Joe Sugg came into view.

At first I didn't know what to do.

Should I talk to him? Was he still going to be the caring guy on the Internet? I think I had been standing there was a few minutes, because suddenly Joe turned around.
"Who the hell are you?" He yelled, trying to get away but failing miserably and instead walking into a bin. I couldn't help but laugh to see Joe there, looking completely confused.
"I'm Robin."
"You look like Mila Kunis," Joe slurred.
I felt my cheeks flush slightly at that compliment, because what girl in the world didn't want to look like Mila Kunis?
"Well unfortunately for you Joe I'm not Mila so don't start fanboying over me."
"How do you know my name Mila?" He asked, frowning.
"I watch your videos," I confessed, quickly righting Joe up as he was about to fall over again. He reeked of alcohol, and my nostrils started to burn.
"I can't believe Mila Kunis watches my videos!" Joe gasped, and I rolled my eyes, ignoring the fact that he thought I was his celebrity crush. "But you look different from when we met in SoHo in LA," Joe muttered and then suddenly threw up in the bin next to him. I instantly backed away from him, hating the sight of puke. He finally stopped puking and giggled again.
"Alright Joe, lets go," I ordered, swinging his arm over my shoulder.
"Mmmmmmiiiiiiiillllllllaaaaa nnnnnnnnoooo," Joe whined, sticking his bottom lip out like a child and I couldn't help but laugh. "I wanna party!"
"Yeah well if you party any more Joe you might do something you regret." I ordered, and he huffed and started to walk with me out of the alley.

My apartment was only a few streets away, so we walked there instead because I didn't know where Joe's apartment was. I started to stumble down the street, Joe whining all the way and occasionally trying to run away. He never got too far because he would just trip over. Luckily neither of my sisters were in tonight, so I unlocked to door and dragged Joe to my room. I let him collapse on my bed and tried to take off his shoes.
"Why have you go so many posters of those 4 guys?" Joe piped up, and I laughed as he was pointing to my favourite poster of 5 Seconds of Summer.
"Because they are my favourite band."
"And who the hell are those guys?" Joe laughed, pointing towards my large poster of Mcfly.
"I can't believe you just said that Sugg!" I gasped, "you've sung one of their songs!"
"But just promise me Mila that you love me more," he muttered, before a faint snoring could be heard. I turned and saw him lying on my bed, curled up like a little infant, his tie still adorning his head. I got out my blanket and wrapped it around him, before sitting in my armchair. This was going to be difficult to explain to him in the morning.


Drunk Joe is the best kind of Joe!
Also if I had been Robin in that scenario I don't know what I would of done tbh because it would be a drunk Joe Sugg and I would be trying not to freak out.

ANYWAY hope you enjoyed the chapter please vote comment and all that
Talk later 💁

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