20: Airplanes, Cut Through the Clouds Like Angels Could Fly...

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"Come on Oli," I called the way I always did. Even though it was at the crack of dawn and I had barely got any sleep, I was buzzing with excitement. The thought of spending the next three weeks in a new part of the world that I hadn't explored yet with my best friends gave me waves of joyous energy, kind of like when you were a child on Christmas day and you saw all of your presents sat under the shadow of the tree, and you felt like you were going to burst with excitement. Oli was lying on my bed, snoring softly and looking so peaceful I almost felt bad about waking him up. However, that feeling didn't last for long and instead I found amusement in throwing a pillow at my friend's head.

"Can you not Joe?" he groaned, his eyes bleary and watering slightly.

"Our uber's gonna be here in 15 minutes and Robin's texted. She's waiting for us."

"Just let me sleeeeeepp!!" Oli whined.

This time I punched him in the leg, making his body make a large spasm and a shrill came from his lips. "Get up, off your lazy ass or we're gonna miss our flight."

"Wow I wish I could slap you in the face with the fish again."

"Love you too Oli," I laughed as I walked out of the room.


"Damn it Robin how much stuff are you taking," I gasped, cramming in her final suitcase and slamming the boot shut. The Uber lady tried to help, but I insisted on doing it for her, considering she already looked like she'd been driving for hours, making me feel bad for her. I had decided to buy her a coffee when we got to the airport, and she was sat in the car with a disgruntled Oli as I had got a sleepy 'morning' as Robin came out and locked her apartment door. She looked very cute today, in a pair of maroon sweatpants and a faded Mickey Mouse jumper, her hair hid under my beanie and her feet in scuffed Nikes. Her face had no make up one, and she looked comfy, like a giant toddler just before bed.  She also sounded like one too.

"Couldn't we of got an evening flight?"

"The planes always quieter in the morning, besides you get to enjoy the day more."

"But I really enjoy sleep too!"

"Why are you and Oli being so boring today," I huffed, before opening the door and gently pushing Robin into the car. After climbing in and slamming the door behind me, we set off to the airport, because it being so early the roads were quiet, allowing us to swiftly dodge around the maze of London roads. Oli and Robin were talking excitedly, both woken up a lot since they saw each other and were even taking selfies on Snapchat. She turned to me now, her smile wide and awake, and nudged her arm against mine slightly.

"Good morning Joseph."

"Oh now it's a good morning," I teased.

"Well I was tried and I couldn't be excited. But now that we're on our way I'm pissing all over myself!"


She giggled. "Its a quote from Honey Boo-Boo. I love that show."

I groaned. "You better not make me watch that."

"Of course not." I sighed in relief. "Not until we've watched Gossip Girl, Once Upon a Time and ALL of the How I met Your Mother episodes."

"Are you kidding me!" I whined. I was saying that because Oli was in the car, but I secretly enjoyed watching Vampire Diaries with Robin, and was already excited about what show we were gonna watch next.

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