14: Vlog Virginity

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"What took you so long Chalk?" He teased as I lifted my bag into the compartment at the top. Both Joe and Caspar had asked if I wanted help, but me being me I had insisted on doing it myself. Camera equipment is not light I'll tell you that.
"I will throw my Starbucks in your face Sugg," I threatened, thrusting the half empty drink into his face, causing him to knock his head back in surprise and hit his head in the shelf. He happened to be vlogging at the time, and blushed when he realised that he had got that on camera. Caspar was laughing as we both sat down, and Joe hit him over the head as the flight attendant stalked by, smiling a wide smile as she passed the three of us, her eyes lingering slightly at Caspar. He happened to notice this and sent her a cheeky wink, causing her to blush and walk away with a small grin on her face.
"You've pulled Caspar!"Joe cheered, pointing his camera over me and onto his roommates cheeky face, who rolled his eyes and flicked his hair in a dramatic way." Joseph I always pull,but I still love you the most."
"see that's where you're wrong Caspar, because you obviously love me more," I reminded him, and Joe laughed as he pointed the camera towards me.
"This is Robin everyone, our camera woman and personal Nando's Girl."
I battered my eyelashes and flicked my hair, before saying to the camera "I don't actually personally make Nandos for them, I just work there."
"She's a really big meany as well," Joe pouted, and I hit him over the head with my magazine as the flight attendant's tinny voice rang through the aircraft that we were about to fly. I pulled out my headphones and plugged myself in as the plane started to gain speed. Recently 5 seconds of summer had let out their second album 'Sounds Good Feels Good'. To say that I am completely in love with it would be an understatement, and I was very happy to let Michael Clifford serenade the lift off of the plane and dancing along the clouds. I shut my eyes and for a while, I was lost in a world of music and calmness. A song however had just finished when I heard Caspar mutter something.

"Do you think it's dead?"
"I dunno," Joe whispered, and I could hear his camera being turned on," I slowly turned down my music trying to keep still. "Pass me a sharpie."
A second later I felt the tip of a pen on my cheek, the fumes tickling my nose. I tried not to laugh as I heard them giggling like girls at a sleepover. I quickly snorted in Joes face and he yelled, before turning the camera onto his face and shook his head as I laughed. I then opened my laptop and clicked onto Netflix, before tossing a headphone to Joe.
"Come on," I demanded "I haven't watched any all week so I won't be ahead of you."

"This crowd is crazy," Caspar squealed, ducking back out from the door and running back into the dressing room, where I was setting up my equipment and Joe was eating a bowl of skittles.
"How many people?" He questioned thickly, slight red dribble sliding down the side of his mouth, causing me to laugh again and throw a tissue.
"Well it looks like a few hundred, so hopefully you'll be able to get some good pictures Robin."
"I betta!" I threatened whilst jokingly brandishing my fist "I gave up a whole day of sleeping for this!"
"Didn't we all?" Joe retorted "c'mon, we betta get out there before they start banging down the door."
"I'll get out there and take some pics of them in the line."
"Just come and see us at the lunch break, I've got popcorn just for you."
"Sugg you're adorkable!"
"Thanks I guess," he laughed, and I shouldered my camera and slipped out into the back corridor, jogging slightly and popping out to the beginning of the line, where girls were talking avidly and taking pictures on phones, all clutching 'Username: Evie' books and 'Joe and Caspar Hit The Road'. Seeing the excited expressions and hearing the high pitched talk I instantly started taking pictures, catching the shadows and already deciding what tone to give to them. Some were blurred and others were layered, and for a while I was lost in my own world. It wasn't until two girls waved at me that I stopped.

"You have that photography account on Instagram? Retro Robin?"
They asked, and I was shocked. I only had a couple of thousand follow me on Instagram, and I couldn't believe that there were people who actually followed me.
"Yea." I blushed. The girl with long dark hair smiled,"are you taking the pictures today?" And when I nodded she smiled even wider, showing shiny white teeth." Could you take a picture of us when we get to the front?"
"Course yea."
And smiling once more the girl turned back to her friend.

The hours started to stretch with no sign of stopping, and after a while it hurt to stand up and my fingers hurt from adjusting my camera so many times. There was only a handful of people left when I finally saw the two boys again. Both looked slightly haggered, but faces etched with enjoyment hung on them, laughing and cooing at what the fans were saying to them. Some of them cried and others couldn't stop shaking, but all left the meet and greet with huge smiles on their faces.
"How's it going Chalk?" Joe called over the crowd, and I sent him a huge thumbs up, which he replied with a huge wave before welcoming a boy to have a picture with him. I quickly snapped my camera over the crowd, and smiled when I was satisfied. I then saw the two girls that I had talked to earlier and ran in front of the line, where they were laughing hugging Caspar, Joe pulling a sarcastic sulky face. He saw me and slung an arm around my shoulder, pushing my hat over my eyes. I knocked my hip against his and he laughed and open his arms wide to the small blonde girl, who beamed widely and wrapped her arms around his waist, and I felt myself smile and raise the camera to my eye and darted snapping, until the girls finally left, looking at the pictures on their phones. I quickly ran up to them and got their Instagram so I could tag them in the picture. And then it was all over, and the room was oddly quiet and eerie now not full of screaming fans.
I got shaken from a day dream by feeling someone running and landing on my back, making me stumble but catch myself just in time.
"Come on Robin," Caspar squealed "give me a piggy back."
"Caspar you're too heavy!"
"I am not!"
"You're like 3 years older!"
"Age is only a number!"
"I guess that's true."
"So peasant," Caspar laughed "give me a piggy back."
I suddenly got a surge of adrenaline and ran out of the building, Caspar bumping on my back and his screams ringing in my ears. And on the way home, I posted my favourite picture of the day, a close up of Joe and the blond hair girl laughing at something, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and Caspar and the other girl sticking out their tongues at a camera. They were light and carefree and genuine, and they made me smile at how happy they look. I then went into a slumber of light sleep.

Hi guys!!

I'm sorry that I had taken over a week to upload and it's not very interesting this is not a very exciting chapter but this is important for the rest of the story so please don't leave this story. I've had exams this week which is why I couldn't upload but they are over so I'll upload more often again promise 😊

But thankyou for 200 reads it's insane I am so happy that's awesome it made me so happy to see that. Pleas vote and comment and share with friends and I'll upload soon.

Happy leap year!!! 🔥

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