42: Drunk Connor and unimaginable possibilities

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I missed Robin. I know that sounds cheesy but I really did. I mean, I knew that I would miss her but Damn, I didn't expect this constant feeling of being deflated. I tried to keep myself busy instead. I went to meetings, went to see the first copy of Username: Regenerated and watched an editing guy edit three minutes worth of Hit the Road USA. I went to parties, met fans, recorded a bunch of gaming videos and finally working on some art for the house. But there would be times I would turn to tell her something, and find the sofa empty. Scarce of sweat pants and Dance Moms.

"Joe c'mon! Let's go out and do something," Caspar whined, throwing an old tea bag at me. I dodged it and continued texting. Robin was in New York at the moment and had to sit around for ages before the show. We were debating if Time travel was possible (she said no but my opinion is if they can make a car fly in the 80's then it's got to be possible) and I was very happy staying home.

"Nah man I'm good," I sighed "I think I'm just going to stay in, do some more work, record some vide-"

"So basically you're gonna text Robin until she has to go and then stay up all night making gaming videos until she's done and then face-time her till she falls asleep?"

"well now you just made that sound sad."

"Joe it's been a month she's not dead," Caspar pointed out, scratching his bed head and looking tired "She's just doing her job. Something that you've been doing way too much of!"

"And that's a bad thing?"

"When you've barely done anything else and not hung out with your friends? YES."

I groaned and rolled over on the sofa, trying to ease out the cramps in my lower back. God I was tired. I'd barely slept a full night sleep the past two weeks. And as I lay on my back I noticed that my stomach was now a little podgy. I hadn't gone to the gym in ages. Sadly, I prodded at my rolls as I looked at my phone. She hadn't replied yet. Damn it.

"Joe just come out with us to lunch, All the guys are gonna be there and you could actually get outside."

"Have you seen how fat I've got? I can't go outside," I mumbled feebly.

"Well too bad get your ass up."

"JOE!" Connor slurred, stumbling over to me and sloshing his drink everywhere. The girl next to him scowled and strutted off, beer dripping down her sleeve. I smiled as my buddy sat next to me, one hand being flung over my shoulder and the other swiping my drink. It was okay, I wasn't drinking it anyway. To be honest I wasn't having fun at all. I was wearing a baggy hoodie, black ripped jeans and scuffed converse. My hair was a bit greasy and I just looked depressed. Was this what it was like being in a couple? Constantly longing to be at home and just disliking everyone.

"Hey Connor,"I smiled holding back my laughter as he bumbled around, shuffling like an excited kid. Out of everyone Connor was the cutest when drunk.

"Joseph why are you so sampy?"


"That's sad and grumpy mixed together," Connor giggled "or Grud." He started chuckling and it took me taking away the drink in his hand for him to stop. Defeated, Connor slumped against my shoulder and twiddled with a loose thread on my jumper."Do you love Robin?"

I twisted in surprise towards my friend, gobsmacked. "What?"

"I mean, You're always talking to Robin, hugging her, kissing her , so it must be love," Connor babbled, hiccuping and then sprawling on the sofa "like mummy's and Daddy's."

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