ANNOUNCEMENT *edited october 2017*

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So I know I said that I wasn't going to write a sequel for a while but I've missed writing this. Even though it's not my best writing I just love the story and I've had a bunch of people message me asking for a sequel so I'M WRITING A SEQUEL BABY!!!!!

It's going to be called Heartbreak Boy and will be mainly around Joe's POV. Because this is in the future i don't have to base it on events which will be nice. I am super excited however please don't expect weekly uploads again because  i have two other stories im writing (Which you should totally check out by the way)

If anyone wants to give  any suggestions or ideas then feel free to message me or comment but I hope you guys are excited and yea. Thank you so much for your continued support it really means a lot to me for reading this, Beyond the door or One of us I honestly am so grateful.

Ill update when the first chapters are up.


15th October 2017:

Hi everyone. As you can see I haven't uploaded any chapters of Heartbreak Boy yet despite saying I was going to. NOT TO WORRY I AM PLANNING ON IT

However I decided around May time that for the rest of 2017 I was not going to be able to upload nearly as much. Although talented I am not the Brightest student, and therefore I needed to make my GCSEs and the first few months of My A-levels the Priority. Although I got the grades to go to the grammar school I wanted in the city, the hours are a lot longer and the general school life more competitive, meaning writing as a whole has had to of been put on the back burner.

This doesn't mean however I haven't been writing: I've decided to make Beyond the Door my first huge project and have currently written 17,000 words of my first draft. I have also written for my Mortal Instruments story "one of us" which I am starting to wire more frequently for again once more.

If you've got this Far, then you're probably be thinking "Holly STFU and tell us about Heartbreak Boy" I have many ideas for the story and am very excited to see what will happen to Robin and Joe. I have decided that the story is going to be the priority, and although I want to make the story good to read I'm not going to spend the hours that I did on Nandos girl because I just do t have that time unfortunately anymore.

I hope however you'd still like to read what has happened to #Jobin after they're long break, I can say there's gonna be Re kindled feelings, breakups and a possible Pregnancy???? That's all I'm going to say though and trust me it's not a cliche 😉😉

I love you all Sosososososososososo much and I thank so for the support that still comes after all this time. I think you're all amazing and I hope to start to upload more soon. ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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