32:skype talks

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Never had I seen weather as gorgeous as it was this afternoon. The sun shone beams of light that were as joyous as ones that surround  a pregnant woman, the sky a vivid strong blue. The heat was literally felt, a weight that gently rested on your shoulders as it gently kissed my skin to becoming a glowing tan. My thoughts were light and I laughed weakly as I watched Brittney sneak up to a dozing Oli, a a water pistol clutched in her hand. I went back to my phone as Oli's cry of surprise rang across  the stretch of lawn. Still no calls. No texts. I tried to swallow the pill of disappointment, but it lodged in my throat. I shut the screen off and tossed it aside, stretching and sitting up. The past few days I had been able to forget about my life back in London, but Considering what today meant back home I just couldn't stop myself.

I tried to distract myself, grabbing a water gun and filling it up from the shimmering pool and aiming at Caspar's behind. He squealed when the water hit him, jumping as if electricity had punched him. Brittney roared with laughter and soon we were chasing each other around the house, soaking each other and screaming at each other when any water went near vlogging cameras. We only stopped when food arrived, which we then devoured by the pool, watching the sun dip below the Californian hills. I was happy, surrounded by people that I loved, and yet I still felt slightly nervous.

Of course she was going to get in. Her work is amazing, plus she worked so hard. Honestly, if she didn't get in then this world is messed up. She might already know, and just hasn't decided to tell me. That made my heart sting a little, and quickly I opened up another bottle of beer. I had lost count of what number this was, and as a result my head was becoming fluffy and my words started moulding together. A normal SENSIBLE person would of stopped at this point, drink some water and go to bed. Instead, I decided to stay up till all hours slowly getting drunker and drunker.

"JJJJooooeeeee," Caspar whined, trying to throw an empty bottle but missed, falling  into the darkness and a second later a splash following it.

"What?" I laughed sleepily,turning to my friends.

"Stop waiting for her!" He giggled, and both Brittney and Oli ooed and started making kissy faces. I scowled and flicked them off, trying to ignore the blush that invaded my face. "I don't know what you guys are talking about."

"You're waiting for Robin!" Caspar chanted "You're waiting for Robin!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am Not!"

"Am too!"


"ALRIGHT WE GET IT YOU TWO!" Brittney yelled, laughter cutting through her speech, "Look," she sighed, turning to my drunken state, "if you wanna call her, you should call her."

"Can't," I shook my head "I promised I wouldn't contact her, and that if she wanted to talk then she must call me."

"Well that was a frickin stupid thing to say wasn't it?" my female companion tutted, hoisting herself up and finishing her beer, before taking off her shirt. We all yelled and covered out eyes, but she just burst out laughing and wriggled out of her shorts and showed off her bikini, fiddling with the strap before diving into the water. her reflection was shimmering and tangling under the water, and she looked graceful, almost as if she lived in the water more than out.  She broke for air and smacked her hair around like a dog, bowing when she received applause from us three. Oli and Caspar wanted to go swimming, but i decided to  go to bed. There was no point waiting up, it wasn't like she was going to text or call anytime soon. I called goodnight to the others and stumbled upstairs, laughing when I  smacked my head against the banister. However when I finally managed to find my room and crawl into bed, I stared up at the ceiling. Shadows danced across the paintwork, and although my brain was wrapped in a blanket of alcohol, my thoughts were crystal clear. And they bothered me, immensely.

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