33:New houses and new feelings

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"Wow, this is HUGE!" She gasped as she ran between rooms. Her footsteps reverberated along the empty walls, and her gasps could still be heard in the other side of the house. Today I had finally confirmed that I was moving, and had brought Robin along to see where It was that I was going to live. To say I am happy with the place is a understatement, and already I was thinking about how I was going to decorate this place.

"Your kitchens so nice Joe!" My excited companion called, and I followed into the grey room, flicking on one of the lights as very little light was peaking through the blanket of grey clouds visible through the windows.

"I know right? Gonna be a really good place to film some videos in the future."

"And also good for when you cook."

"I don't need to cook, I've got you to bring me Nando's."

"You wish," she smirked "I've got so much revision to do plus work that I'll barely have any time to hang out with you."

"So I get a break from you?" I teased "finally!" I was rewarded for my comment by her middle finger, before she pushed past me and ran up the stairs and into what will be my new bedroom. The carpet was soft under my feet, and I felt a small burst of excitement as I stared at the walls. Although it was gonna suck not living with Caspar anymore, I was looking forward to what this house offered me. Wilder parties, less neighbours, plus closer to the centre of London and only a 5 minute walk to Robins. It was ideal.

"I am in love with this carpet," Robin sighed, crouching on the balls of her feet and stroking it, and I burst out laughing because that was by far one of the weirdest things she had ever done. It got weirder when she suddenly collapsed onto her back, wriggling around like a dog trying to get rid of a scratch. I got out my phone and secretly filmed her, captioning it with a couple of laughing emojis. I'll let her discovering later.

"Oh damn!" She suddenly sat up "what time is it?"
I checked my watch. "5:43," I confirmed.
"I gotta go,my shift starts in 15 minutes," she sighed, extending her towards me and I pulled her up. Sweeping her ponytail over her shoulder, she hugged me briefly and ran off, slamming my door behind her.
I tried to edit some videos, but the house was now too empty for me to concentrate. Instead I plugged in my headphones and once that everything was as it should be, strolled out onto the London street. Although Spring was sprung the corner, the wind whipped at me hair and nipped at me cheeks, causing me to wince slightly at the pain. I lifted my hood up and sped up, keeping my head low as I manoeuvred my way around bibles up bodies, trying to blend in with the crowd. It wasn't long until I was in the belly of the underground, only stopping to swipe my Oyster card to allow me to venture further.

I was still too Slow however, as I arrived onto the platform the tube was pulling away. It didn't bother me too much, as I knew another one would arrive in a couple in a minutes, so I turned to try and find a seat. Suddenly, I was knocked back as a blur knocked Into me, out of breath and looking very harassed. She dropped her bag, and I instantly bent down and grabbed it.

"Here you go Love," I smiled.
"Thank y- Joe?"
I blinked, and my brain clicked.




"Mack, can I get a chicken roulette and two sides order of mash please?"
"Sure thing," Mack smiled, his grey hairs glinting slightly in the low lighting. He passed me a tray full of food "table 34 and then table 12 needs a clean down."
"A'ight," I grabbed the tray and started weaving in between tables, supporting plates of food and being meeting places for friends old and new. Table 12 had luckily already been wiped, so Instead I directed my feet towards the booth in the corner, lit up by the window that sat next to it. It gave me hope that it wasn't fully dark yet, despite it nearly being March, meaning that winter was coming to a close and Spring was was on its way.

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