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Nandos girl Is finally over, and I am happy yet heartbroken at the Same time. A year a go today I had just come home after a week being in a apartment in France with no wifi. Now with over 5,000 reads I am beyond happy. On this platform, 5,000 is nothing to many people, but to me I am honestly so grateful for every person who had the time to read my writing. Thanks to this it gave me more courage in my writing and with what I wanted to do with my future.

If you've been here from the start or you're just reading this because it looks "meh" and you're really bored then thank you. Thank you to Morgan for being one of the OG fans and becoming an awesome friend to me through this. To my awesome friend Harriet, who helped me come up with the plot and just being awesome (you should read her fanfictions they're awesome) and to Sophie, my parabatai, who is one of the best Fangirls ever and loves my story as much a I love her. Finally, a special thank you to Ruby for showering me with support and just loveliness for about 7 months now, you're the best

As for a sequel?? That might happen in the future. However it's not my next story, so I'm sorry for people who wanted to know what happened next, you might have go wait for a while. However please support my new book, the first chapter being uploaded on Sunday. Also please don't stop showing support for NG by voting, commenting, and share because sharing is caring.

Thank you all so much and I hope you stay around to read more of what I write ❤️✨

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