Lionell Davenport

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Full Name: Lionell Magnus Davenport

Species: Pyrokinetic human

Parents: William "Infernicus" Davenport (father) and Topaz Davenport (mother)

Relatives: None

Age: 58

Birthday: July 23, 1922

Friends: Perrin, Valhalla, Wes, Notaku

Roommate(s): Notaku

Siblings: None

Relationship: None

Hair: Smooth, greasy black hair and sideburns

Favorite Color: Red, Orange and Yellow

Favorite Food: Spicy foods

Personality: Vain, disrespectful, violent, hot-tempered, womanizing

Appearance: Black leather jacket with many zippers, white t-shirt with a motorcycle logo on it, blue denim jeans and black boots.

Fears: Water

Likes: Hot women

Dislikes: Being rejected, guys talking to his "would-be girlfriends"

Pet Peeve: Unknown

Enemies: Various

Background Story: Lionell was born in the Mojave Desert. He has a fire salamander as a pet.

Voiced by: Adam DeVine

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