Methodus Sherman

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Full Name: Gorbachev Mehta "Methodus" Sherman-Palinksy

Species: Demonic spectre

Parents: Unnamed father (father) and Bathsheba Sherman (mother)

Relatives: None

Age: 220

Birthday: May 16, 1928

Friends: None

Roommate(s): Unknown

Siblings: None

Relationship: None

Hair: Long dark brownish black

Eyes: Blank

Favorite Color: None

Favorite Food: None

Personality: Mysterious, cryptic, enigmatic, unstable

Appearance: Messy, unwashed, mane of hair half covering his face, raggedy 1850's clothes, sharp nails and toenails, rotten, boney skin, deformed face and barefoot.

Fears: Golden objects

Likes: Enclosed spaces

Dislikes: His mother's wailing

Pet Peeve: Unconfirmed

Enemies: None

Background Story: Methodus was born in 1800's New England to the Devil worshipper and witch, Bathsheba Sherman. After she gave birth to him, she sacrificed him to Satan and afterwards, he was resurrected as a demonic being and cursed to live like his mother. He remained the form of a normal man as he grew up, but when he was 20, his physique grew grotesque and he shut himself out from the world. Everyone accused him of being a monster and so he ran away and was taken in by his mother, who was know an evil spirit for sacrificing him as a baby. Ed and Lorraine Warren found Methodus in the Perron household in a fetal position, whimpering and took him in.

Voiced by: Devon Bostick

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