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Full Name: Yoshimitsu

Species: Japanese freshwater fish creature

Parents: Unknown

Relatives: Unknown

Age: 44

Birthday: September 5, 1928

Friends: Ute

Roommate(s): Unknown

Siblings: None

Relationship: Ute (crush)

Hair: None

Eyes: Greenish blue

Favorite Color: Teal and moss green

Favorite Food: Fish

Personality: Easygoing, athletic, active, strange

Appearance: Amphibious-like body with some scales, large "brim" of gills around his neck, fins on his underarms and one in between his legs, catfish barbels, sharp claws and forked tail.

Fears: Fishermen, nets

Likes: Races

Dislikes: Stingrays

Pet Peeve: When people toss their trash in the water.

Enemies: None

Background Story: Gil was born in the Mogami River in Japan during the World War I. He was once captured by fisherman and his picture was taken by a folklorist and was identified by the media as the "River monster". Gil eventually escaped by biting the hand off of one of his captors and dove back into the water.

Voiced by: Steve Aoki

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