Full Name: Clyne
Species: Demonic clown
Parents: The Cloyne (father) and Sigrid Snæfellsjökullsson (mother)
Relatives: Unknown
Age: Eternal
Birthday: February 20, 1659
Friends: Elmer, Aleta
Roommate(s): Elmer
Siblings: 12 brothers and 5 sisters
Relationship: None
Hair: Rainbow-colored curls
Eyes: Black
Favorite Color: Rainbow
Favorite Food: Human children (mostly)
Personality: Smart, voice-of-reason, cryptic, mysterious
Appearance: Reptilian-like flesh that almost resembles that of a clown costume, claws, hundred rows of sharp teeth, single horn on his forehead, four star birthmark on eyes, red nose and frill around his neck.
Fears: None
Likes: Entertainment
Dislikes: Sugary products
Pet Peeve: Unknown
Enemies: None
Background Story: Koenraad was born in the frozen north in a mountain cave in Norway. His father was the first original "clown" who had drawn five children from the village into it's cave for each month a Winter. A malevolent villager woman, Sigrid, who claims to be a "spawn of Satan" (naturally a Devil worshipper) came to the Cloyne seeking to spread her seed. She seduces the clown demon and gives birth to many children. One of them, Clyne, was born to withstand the cold. It is revealed that Sigrid was a succubus. Many of Koenraad's siblings eventually died of from either starvation or hypothermia.
Voiced by: Tómas Lemarquis
Peregrine Academy (List of Characters)
FantasíaMy cast of Peregrine Academy characters.